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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>SPEECH PROSODY
IN ATYPICAL POPULATIONS<BR><BR>Monday 2nd April 2007, University of
Reading<BR><BR></FONT><A href="http://www.rdg.ac.uk/epu/cls_event.htm"><FONT
face="Times New Roman"
face="Times New Roman" size=3>Abstracts are invited from those working on speech
prosody in atypical populations for this one day event, organised by Dr Jane
Setter and Dr Vesna Stojanovik, Department of Clinical Language Sciences, School
of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences. Papers reporting on therapy or
management of prosodic disorders as well as empirical papers reporting on speech
prosody in atypical populations are welcome.<BR><BR>The aim of the workshop is
to bring together Clinical Linguists and Phoneticians and Speech and Language
Therapists in order to highlight the issues in researching and remediating
prosodic disorders, and discuss the latest findings, in this often neglected
area of research and clinical concern.<BR><BR>KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr Sue Peppé,
Queen Margaret University College,
Edinburgh.<BR><BR><BR>REGISTRATION<BR><BR>Early bird registration by 5 Feb 2007:
General £30, Student £15<BR><BR>Late registration by 5 Mar 2007: General £40,
Student £25<BR><BR>More details and a registration form can be found on the
website: </FONT><A href="http://www.rdg.ac.uk/epu/cls_event.htm"><FONT
face="Times New Roman"
face="Times New Roman" size=3>SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS<BR><BR>Abstracts are
invited for 15 minute oral papers, 30 minute workshops, or poster presentations.
Abstracts of no longer than 250 words should be submitted as electronic MSWord
document attachments (i.e. NOT in the body of the message) to us at the
following email address:<BR><BR></FONT><A
href="mailto:cls.events@reading.ac.uk"><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>cls.events@reading.ac.uk</FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3>You can also contact us at that address if you have any queries. If your
document contains any phonetic symbols, please use the font Lucida Sans Unicode.
Please indicate whether you are offering a 15 minute oral paper, 30 minute
workshop or poster presentation at the beginning of your abstract.<BR><BR>The
deadline for submission of abstracts is Sunday 31st December 2006. We aim to let
you know by 19th January 2007 whether your submission has been
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Dr Vesna Stojanovik<BR>Lecturer in Clinical
Linguistics<BR>University of Reading<BR>School of Psychology and Clinical
Language Sciences<BR>Earley Gate<BR>Reading RG6 6AL<BR>UK<BR>Tel: +44+118 378
7456<BR>Fax: +44+118 378 4693</FONT></DIV>
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