<b>Child Language Seminar<br>
18-20 July 2007<br>
University of Reading, England<br>
</b> <br>
<b>Call for Papers – 30th Child Language Seminar<br>
</b> <br>
We are pleased to announce that in 2007 the Child Language Seminar will
take place from 18-20 July 2007 at the University of Reading. It will be
hosted by the School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences and
is being organised by Theo Marinis & Vesna Stojanovik (Department of
Clinical Language Sciences), Carmel Houston-Price & Graham Schafer
(Department of Psychology), and Brian Richards (Institute of
This year’s keynote speakers are:<br>
<b>Anne Baker & Jan de Jong<br>
</b>Department of Language and Literature<br>
Universiteit van Amsterdam<br>
<b>Dorothy Bishop<br>
</b>Department of Experimental Psychology<br>
University of Oxford<br>
<b>Philip Dale<br>
</b>Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences<br>
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque<br>
<b>Catherine Snow<br>
</b>Harvard Graduate School of Education<br>
Harvard University<br>
The CLS is an interdisciplinary conference attracting a diverse audience
of among others psychologists, linguists and speech and language
therapists, and provides a forum for research on first and second
language acquisition in typically and atypically developing children. It
was first held in 1977, so in 2007 it will be the 30th Anniversary of the
CLS. <br><br>
The University of Reading is one of the top 20 most research-intensive
universities in the UK, and has a long tradition of research in language
development. The School of Psychology & Clinical Language Science was
established in 2005 when the Clinical Linguistics section moved to the
School of Psychology. The School is set on one of the most beautiful
campuses in the UK, with 320 acres of landscaped grounds surrounded by
green open spaces, lakes and wildlife. <br>
Reading is the county town of the Royal County of Berkshire and is
located in the heart of the beautiful Thames Valley some 50 kilometres
west of London. The city is easily accessible by air (30 minutes to
Heathrow airport via frequent bus service to Reading station, and 75
minutes to Gatwick airport through a direct rail connection) and by rail
(25 minutes from London Paddington). The M4 motorway provides ready
access to London, Wales and the South West and there is an express coach
service to London which also stops outside the main gate of the
University. <br>
Proposals are invited for papers and posters on any topic related to
child language development and disorders<b>. <br>
</b> <br>
<b>Submission deadline is 1 March 2007<br>
</b> <br>
More information about the conference may be found at:<br>
<b><a href="http://www.reading.ac.uk/cls/cls2007.html" eudora="autourl">
</a></b> <br>
Details for submission of abstracts<b> </b>may be found at:<br>
<b> <br>
<a href="http://www.reading.ac.uk/cls/abstract.html">
<div>Dr Theodoros Marinis</div>
<div>School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences</div>
<div>University of Reading</div>
<div>Reading RG6 6AL, UK</div>
<div>Tel. +44-118-378 7465</div>
<div>Fax +44-118-378 4693</div>
<div><a href="http://www.rdg.ac.uk/cls/marinis.html" EUDORA=AUTOURL>