<BODY>New! Only $79. Bilingual (S/E) SALT has just been added to the SALT family. Collect short samples from bilingual (Spanish/English) children retelling the story “Frog, Where Are You?” (Mayer, 1980). Compare these samples with age or grade-matched peers retelling the same story. The TX ELL database, used for this comparison, contains Spanish and English samples from 798 typical, bilingual children in grades K-3, ages 5;5 – 9;10. Bilingual (S/E) SALT includes the SALT software for entering and analyzing samples, an instruction manual, and a copy of the frog book used for elicitation. <BR><BR>
Bilingual (S/E) SALT will be unveiled at the ASHA convention in Miami Beach. Come to ASHA Session 0589 on Saturday from 8:00–9:00 for a discussion of assessing language production of bilingual children and a demonstration of this new tool. Stop by the SALT booth #438 in the exhibit hall or call the Language Analysis Lab at 1-888-440-7258 for more information. <BR><BR>Language Analysis Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1500 Highland Ave, Madison, WI 53705 <BR>Phone: 1-888-440-SALT (7258) or 608-263-6791, Fax: 608-263-7710 <BR>Email: salt@LanguageAnalysisLab.com, Web: www.LanguageAnalysisLab.com <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR></BODY>