<b>Research Assistant<br>
</b> <br>
The Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab at Georgetown University, directed by
Rhonda Friedman, Ph.D., is seeking a full-time research assistant.
Our research examines language and learning/memory function and
dysfunction in patients with stroke, head injury, or dementia.
Projects include behavioral, fMRI, eye tracking, and ERP studies of
patients and normal controls, and development of cognitive treatments for
acquired language disorders.<br>
Duties include organizing and managing subject data; creating
experimental stimuli; aiding in the design of experimental protocols;
recruiting and testing normal control subjects; performing literature
searches; aiding in grant preparation; filing appropriate IRB and other
forms; managing computer systems, upgrading and installing software; and
performing other related tasks as needed. <br>
This position requires a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Neuroscience,
Linguistics, computer science or related field. Research experience
and an interest in brain and language are desirable. Proficiency in
both Mac and Windows operating systems and experience with database
management preferred. <br>
Two-year commitment required. Excellent opportunity for
student planning to gain research experience prior to attending graduate
Please email a cover letter and CV, and arrange for three letters of
reference to be sent via email to: <br>