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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
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--></style><title>Re: Competence vs. Performance:
<blockquote type="cite" cite><font face="Arial"><b>Competence vs.
Performance: A False Distinction?</b></font></blockquote>
<div>A broader topic (which includes this one and is equally worth
discussing) is that Noam Chomsky and all his works are also obsolete.
For me, it will be a happy day when this is so.</div>
<div>Dr Robin N Campbell<br>
Dept of Psychology<br>
University of Stirling<br>
Scotland, UK<br>
telephone: 01786-467649 facsimile: 01786-467641<br>
email: r.n.campbell@stir.ac.uk<br>
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