<b>DE Vincenzi Psycholinguistics Postdoctoral Fellowship<br>
</b> <br>
The De Vincenzi Foundation announces a 1-year fellowship, $33,000 plus
economy air fare, for Italian students to pursue post-doctoral study
preferably in the US or in another country (Italy excluded), beginning
September 1, 2010. The fellowship is for study and research in the area
of grammatically-oriented psycholinguistics at an institution of the
applicant's choice. Applications should be received by February 28, 2010
and it is expected that a decision will be announced by April 14, 2010.
Applications should be submitted electronically, in English, and should
-CV, including evidence of competence in spoken English<br>
-A four-page statement of purpose describing the proposed plan of
-Papers, reports, Ph.D dissertation written in English or Italian by the
candidate. If the dissertation was written in Italian, the candidate
should provide a 12 page summary maximum (shorter encouraged)
written in English.<br>
-The name and contact information for a sponsor at the University or
research centre chosen, accompanied by a letter of agreement from the
sponsor indicating the individual's willingness to serve as a sponsor if
the fellowship is awarded<br><br>
Candidates should arrange for three referees to submit confidential
letters of reference via email
<a href="mailto:borsedistudio@fondazionedevincenzi.org">
Please write in the subject line: F2010.<br>
In case the candidate does not hold the PhD at the deadline of submission
of the application, the faculty advisor should send a statement of
assurance that the PhD will be completed by July 31st, 2010.<br><br>
Applications should be submitted to:
<a href="mailto:borsedistudio@fondazionedevincenzi.org">
Receipt of all submitted material will be acknowledged by email.
The De Vincenzi Foundation was established in the will of the late
Italian psycholinguist Marica De Vincenzi for the support of young
Italian scholars who intend to carry out research abroad in the domain of
grammatically-oriented psycholinguistics preferably at US institutions
(but other countries, except for Italy, are eligible) and preferably<br>
to do research on questions concerning sentence or discourse level
processing.. The primary criteria used in evaluating fellowship
applications are the impact on the applicant's career development and on
psycholinguistics in Italy more broadly. Applications will be judged
based on candidates' past record and future potential, the
suitability of the host lab, and the feasibility and impact of the
proposed <br>
research, including (where appropriate) plans for applying for
postdoctoral funding beyond the initial fellowship year. <br>
The scientific committee includes Lyn Frazier as president, Maria Teresa
Guasti as vice-president, Janet Dean Fodor, Colin Phillips, Luigi Rizzi,
and Sandro Zucchi. Head of the administrative board is Remo Job.<br><br>
<a href="http://www.fondazionedevincenzi.org/" eudora="autourl">