Dear Colleagues:<br><br>Would you please help me spread the word on this position? I am sure many of you have collaborators and students in Bilingual Education, as I do. Please note that the November 1st date is not a deadline. Applications will be received until the position is filled.<br><br>Dear Professor:<br><br>I’m writing to inform you of an opening for candidates at the Associate or Professor levels the Department of Teacher Education at The University of Texas at El Paso. A copy of the position ad is attached. We ask that you inform other colleagues of this position and, if you have an interest in it yourself, we would welcome your application. You may view the department on-line at the following:<br> <br>Very sincerely,<br><br>María<br>María Blume<br>Assistant Professor<br>Department of Languages and Linguistics<br>Liberal Arts Building, Room 119<br>University of Texas at El Paso<br>El Paso, TX 79968<br><br>915-747-6320<br><br>Director of the UTEP Language Acquisition and Linguistics Research Lab<br>Liberal Arts Building, Room 111<br>University of Texas at El Paso<br>El Paso, TX 79968<br>915-747-7024<br>
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