<div dir="ltr">Announcement and Call for Participation<br>
<div class="im">RefNet Summer School on Psychological and Computational Models of Language Production<br>
24-31 Aug, Edinburgh, UK<br>
<a href="http://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/k.vdeemter/pages/RefNet/events.html" target="_blank">http://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/k.vdeemter/pages/RefNet/events.html</a><br>
One reason why language is such a powerful tool for building social and
cognitive capacities is that it allows us to refer, that is, to identify
entities – objects, processes, or ideas. Unsurprisingly, several
academic disciplines attempt to model our ability to refer.
Surprisingly, those disciplines do not often work together. RefNet is
an EPSRC research network whose goal is to promote research on reference
by building a community of researchers who can benefit from advances
across disciplines. This summer’s RefNet Summer School Psychological
and Computational Models of Language Production will introduce young
researchers to research techniques from psychology, computing science,
and linguistics, among them eye-tracking, algorithmic models, Bayesian
reasoning, and mixed-effects modelling. While the summer school will
focus on the production of referring expressions, its short courses
provide foundations for interdisciplinary work in many areas.<br>
Location: University of Edinburgh (co-located with RO-MAN, SemDial/DialWatt), and AMLaP).<br>
Invited evening talks by:<br>
-- Eva Belke (Bochum)<br>
</div><div class="im">-- Susan Brennan (SUNY at Stony Brook)<br>
-- Emiel Krahmer (Tilburg)<br>
-- Michael Frank (Stanford)<br>
-- Alexander Koller (Potsdam).<br>
Workshop: The Summer School will conclude with a workshop on Reference
on Sunday 31 August, 2014. A Call for Papers for the workshop will
follow. The workshop will be open to people regardless of whether they
take part in the summer school. Participants in the summer school are
particularly encouraged to submit an abstract.<br>
Taught courses scheduled for the Summer School:<br>
-- Multimodal reference. (Piwek, Gatt, Van der Sluis)<br>
-- How children develop the ability to refer to things. (Matthews)<br>
-- Eye-tracking methods for language comprehension and production. (Hermens, Hill)<br>
-- Statistical methods for language production. (Corley, Barr)<br>
-- Computational algorithms for the generation of referring expressions. (Van Deemter, Gatt)<br>
-- Linguistic aspects of reference. (Cann)<br>
Registration (from 25 March 2014): To register as a participant of the RefNet Summer School, please use this page:<br>
<a href="http://www.epay.ed.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&deptid=69&catid=10&prodid=1499" target="_blank">http://www.epay.ed.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&deptid=69&catid=10&prodid=1499</a><br>
(Accommodation for invited speakers and lecturers is being arranged by
the Summer School so there is no need for Lecturers and Invited Speakers
to register.) For postgraduate students, postdocs, and research
fellows, RefNet offers free accommodation and up to £200 in travel
money. In case of over-booking, preference will be given to UK and other
EU applicants. Other participants might find the following sites useful
for finding accommodation: Disclaimer: None of the above constitutes an
endorsement of any of the accommodation bookable through these links.<br>
<a href="http://www.universityrooms.co.uk" target="_blank">www.universityrooms.co.uk</a><br>
<a href="http://www.edinburgh.org/accommodation" target="_blank">www.edinburgh.org/accommodation</a><br>
<a href="http://www.laterooms.com" target="_blank">www.laterooms.com</a><br>
Edinburgh is home to a string of summer festivals. (<a href="http://www.edinburghfestivals.co.uk/festivals" target="_blank">http://www.edinburghfestivals.co.uk/festivals</a>).
The Fringe (and the summer school location is in the midst of it)
finishes as we begin, but the Festival proper continues throughout the
period of the RefNet summer school/workshop. It is therefore extremely
important for those of you not automatically booked by the summer school
to book your accommodation as soon as possible.<br>
For details and late changes, please check the web site of the RefNet Summer School (see above).<br>
Organisers: Ellen Bard, Kees van Deemter, Albert Gatt, Danielle Matthews.<br>
</div>=====<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>
<p><span>Danielle Matthews<br>
Department of Psychology<br>
University of Sheffield<br>
</span><span style="letter-spacing:0.1pt" lang="EN-US">Sheffield S10 2TP <br>
</span><span>Tel: 00 44 114 222 6548<br>
<a href="http://www.shef.ac.uk/psychology/staff/academic/danielle-matthews" target="_blank">http://www.shef.ac.uk/psychology/staff/academic/danielle-matthews</a></span></p>
-- <br />
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