Ofertas de trabajo: lingüista computacional; lector de español

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg Carlos.Subirats at uab.es
Fri Mar 20 10:21:06 UTC 1998

INFOLING  Lista moderada de lingüística española
Envío de información: INFOLING at listserv.rediris.es
Consultas: INFOLING-request at listserv.rediris.es
Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg <Carlos.Subirats at uab.es>
Paola Bentivoglio <pbentivo at reacciun.ve>, UCV
Eulalia de Bobes <ebobes at seneca.uab.es>, UAB
Mar Cruz <mcruz at lingua.fil.ub.es>, UB
Emma Martinell <martinell at lingua.fil.ub.es>, UB

1. Lingüista computacional
De: Linguist List, Suzanne Coleman
<resourcemgt at classic.msn.com>

    Our client is looking for a Spanish Computational
Linguist and a French Computational Linguist for
one-year contract positions. Persons interested in
these positions may send their resumes to Parker
Professional Search via email to esourcemgt at msn.com.
Or resumes may be sent by fax to Parker Professional
Search-Linguist at 206-223-8227 (United States phone
number). A description of the positions is listed


    A large U.S.-based software company is looking
for computational lexicographers for French and
Spanish.  These 1-year contract positions will be
located in Redmond, Washington, USA.  This is a great
opportunity to work with a dedicated group of
researchers who are creating broad-based Spanish and
French parsers, and an experienced product team who
will ship grammar checking products based on the core
parsing technology.

    The lexicographer's primary responsibilities
include maintaining the dictionary used by the parser
and grammar checker, working with one full-time
lexicographer already on staff (for each language).

    The lexicographer's qualifications should include
experience in linguistic research and online
dictionary development, keen interest in lexical
issues, and an advanced degree in linguistics or a
closely related discipline.  Fluency in the language
is assumed. A practical orientation is highly
desirable. Significant programming experience or
experience extracting lexical information from online
dictionaries or corpora would be a plus.

    We are in the process of designing and building a
system to analyze unrestricted natural language,
taking input text, and moving from
lexical/morphological analysis through syntax,
semantics, and eventually pragmatics and discourse.
A generation component is also planned. We focus our
efforts both on core computational linguistic
research, and on shipping products that provide real
benefit to the computer user.

2. Lector de Español en la Universidad de Durham
De: Linguist List, Durham inguistics
<Durham.Linguistics at durham.ac.uk>

Lecturer in Spanish

Candidates should have completed a doctorate, have
some experience of university teaching and have a
native or near-native command of spoken and written
Spanish. Those working in any field of Spanish or
Latin-American linguistic, literary or cultural
studies are encouraged to apply.  An ability to teach
Linguistics and/or Portuguese would be particularly
welcome. The position will commence on 1 October
1998. Reference A760B

    Informal enquiries may be made to Dr C D Lloyd
(Chairman of the School, tel: ++44 191 374 2708,
e-mail: c.d.lloyd at durham.ac.uk)

    Further details and an application form may be
obtained from e-mail Acad.Recruit at durham.ac.uk or the
Director of Personnel, University of Durham, Old
Shire Hall, Durham, DH1 3HP.  (Tel: ++44 191 374
7258, fax: ++44 191 374 7253).

    Closing date 9 April 1998. Please quote
appropriate reference number.

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