Oferta de trabajo: SPANISH POSITION, Brock University, Canadá

Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg Carlos.Subirats at UAB.ES
Mon May 17 16:36:51 UTC 1999

INFOLING  Lista moderada de lingüística española
Envío de información: INFOLING-request at listserv.rediris.es
Editor: Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg <Carlos.Subirats at uab.es>
Paola Bentivoglio <pbentivo at reacciun.ve>, U. Central Venezuela
Mar Cruz <mcruz at lingua.fil.ub.es>, U. Barcelona
Eulalia de Bobes <ebobes at seneca.uab.es>, U. Autónoma Barcelona
Emma Martinell <martinell at lingua.fil.ub.es>, U. Barcelona
Rosa Ribas <Ribas at em.uni-frankfurt.de>, U. Frankfurt
  Comunidad Virtual de Usuarios asociada a Infoling:
Estudios de Lingüística Española: http://elies.rediris.es/

   Oferta de trabajo: SPANISH POSITION, Brock University, Canadá
           De: Irene Blayer <blayer at SPARTAN.AC.BROCKU.CA>
     Distribuido por ESPAN-L Lista para profesores de español
                    <ESPAN-L at taunivm.tau.ac.il>

    The Department of French, Italian and Spanish invites
applications for a ten-month limited term appointment in Spanish
effective August 1, 1999, subject to final budgetary approval.
Preference will be given to candidates with a Ph.D. degree
complete or near completion and candidates must demonstrate
native or near-native fluency in both Spanish and English. Proven
experience in teaching language courses at all undergraduate
levels is essential; the teaching responsibilities may include a
literature and culture component; training in language-teaching
methodology and experience with Computer Assisted Language
Learning would be assets. The successful applicant would be
expected to co-ordinate the multiple section first-year language
course as well as the Teaching Assistants.

    Deadline for applications is June 15, 1999. In accordance
with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is
directed first to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Brock University is committed to a positive action policy aimed
at reducing gender imbalance in faculty; both men and women
are encouraged to apply. Candidates should submit a curriculum
vitae and arrange to have three letters of reference sent to:

 Dr. Leonard Rosmarin, Chair
 Department of French, Italian and Spanish
 Brock University
 St. Catharines, Ontario
 L2S 3A1

Los artículos de INFOLING son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (http://www.rediris.es)

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