1st International Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish as a First and Second Language - Jun-2006 - Argentina

Fri Mar 24 15:18:44 UTC 2006

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1st International Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish as a First
and Second Language 
Date: 01-Jun-2006 - 03-Jun-2006 
Location: Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina 
Contact Person: Silvia Rivero
Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2006 
Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario,
Rosario, Argentina 

De LinguistList

First Communication: Call for Papers 

We announce the organization of the First Internacional Conference on
the Acquisition of Spanish as a First and Second Language, to be held in
Rosario, Argentina, on June 1, 2 and 3, 2006. 

This Conference is organized by the M.A. Program in Linguistic Theory
and Language Acquisition, the Center for the Study of Language
Acquisition, and the Center of Theoretical Linguistics, of the Facultad
de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. 

Language contact and interaction in Latin America generate specific
political, economic, educational and social situations. Transnational
webs as the ones established through MERCOSUR create and make explicit
language situations in which L2 Spanish plays a central role. 

The study of languages in contact and of their contexts becomes
increasingly necessary. Teaching Spanish as a Second Language is
proposed through language academies in a more coordinated and explicit
way than it used to be and gradually occupies an increasingly more
prominent role in the field of Language Teaching. 

The complexity of the linguistic situation generated demands that its
study be conducted through a number of autonomous and interacting
approaches. At the same time, this perspective has an impact on the
studies of the acquisition and teaching of L1 Spanish in general. 

Having this goal in mind, the First International Conference on the
Acquisition of Spanish as a First and Second Language propose the study,
discussion, and evaluation of Spanish as a First and Second Language
from multiple perspectives, mainly but not exclusively, from the
perspective of L1 and L2 Acquisition Linguistics, Linguistic Theory,
Computational Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Anthropological
Linguistics,L1 Spanish Teaching, Foreign Language Teaching, Language and
Education Policies, Government and NGOs Language Programs, and other
areas linked to the study of language. 

This Conference seeks the participation and interaction of specialists,
teachers, and professionals in general in the areas mentioned above in
order to create a specialized and collaborative environment for the
study of Spanish. 

Nora Múgica 
Zulema Solana 

Organizing Committee: 

Marcela Bassano 
Susana Freidenberg 
Liliana Pérez 
Silvia Rivero 
Andrea Rodrigo 
Patricia Rogieri

Topics : 
1. L1 Spanish Acquisition 
2. L2 Spanish Acquisition 
3. Spanish Linguistics 
4. Computacional Linguistics: Issues in the study of Spanish 
5. L1 Spanish Teaching 
6. L2 Spanish Teaching 
7. Teaching of Foreign Languages to Spanish Spekers 
8. Language Policies 
9. Languages in Contact 
10. Spanish and Translation. 

Conference Activities 
-	Lectures 
-	Panels 
-	Presentations 
-	Posters 
-	Research Discussion Forums 

Conference Official Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English. 

The following experts have been invited to the Conference: 

Leonor Acuña (UBA) 
Hilda Albano (UBA) 
Elvira Arnoux (UBA) 
Magdalena V.de Ávalos (UN Córdoba) 
Fernando Avendaño (UNR) 
Liliana Bardone (UNR) 
Margot Bigot (UNR) 
Roberto Bein (UBA) 
Cristina Bender (UNR) 
Sylvia Costa ( U. De la Republica, Uruguay) 
Javier Couto ( U .de la República, Uruguay) 
Claudia Deco (UNR) 
Norma Desinano (UNR) 
Giovanna Di Carlo (UNR) 
Daniel Fernández (UNL) 
María Rosario Fernández (UNR ) 
María Luisa Freyre (UN La Plata) 
Luisa Granato (UNLa Plata) 
Rodolfo Hachén (UNR ) 
Regina Motz (U. De la República, Uruguay) 
Héctor Manni ( UNL) 
Héctor Pícoli (UNR) 
María Cristina Rébola (UNR) 
Carlos Valentini (UNR) 
Sonia Yebara (UNR) 

Call for Papers- 

Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission (for Presentations, Panels,
Posters, etc.): 

Abstracts should be submitted before March, 2006. 

Please, include the following information: 
-	Title, in capital letters and centered. 

Left Alignment: 
-	Author / s 
-	Affiliation : 
-	Thematic Area where the paper is included : 
-	Mailing and electronic addresses: 

The Abstract should be sent electronically, as an attached file, to

Maximum: 200 words 
Word for Windows or RTF 
Font Type and Size: Times New Roman, 12. 
Simple Line Spacing. 

Paper Presenters: 
Until March 31, 2006 $70 
On-site registration $100 

General:	$40 
Students:	$20 

For further information write to: jornadasadquespyahoo.com.ar 

Payment: Deposit to: Caja de Ahorro, Banco Bisel, Suc. 100, Bank Account
(N° de Cuenta) : 195363/0 , to Liliana Pérez / Nora Múgica 

Registration : 

Please, submit the following data : 

First and Last Name: 
DNI / ID / Passport Number: 
e-Mail Address: 
Work Place: 
Mailing Address: 

Web site currently under construction (To be announced shortly in a
forthcoming communication). 

Coordinators: Nora Múgica 
Zulema Solana 

Academic Committee: 

Marcela Bassano 
Susana Freidenberg 
Liliana Pérez 
Silvia Rivero 
Andrea Rodrigo 
Patricia Rogieri

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