Novedad bibliogr áfica: CORNILLIE, B. Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality in Spanish (Semi-)Auxiliaries

Carlos Subirats carlos.subirats at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jan 10 19:30:51 UTC 2008

-------------------          INFOLING          --------------------
Lista de distribución sobre lingüí­stica del español (ISSN: 1576-3404):
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Carlos Subirats Rüggeberg, UAB <carlos.subirats at>
Mar Cruz Piñol, U. Barcelona <mcruz at>
Eulalia de Bobes Soler, U. Abat Oliba-CEU <debobes1 at>
Equipo de edición:
Estudios de Lingüí­stica del Español (ELiEs):
es una red temática de lingüística del español asociada a INFOLING.

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              Con el apoyo de Editorial Arco Libros S.L
Consulta su catálogo de Lingüística, E/LE, Historia y Publicaciones periódicas:

Novedad bibliográfica:
CORNILLIE, Bert. 2007. Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality in Spanish
(Semi-)Auxiliaries. A Cognitive-Functional Approach. Berlin / New
Mouton de Gruyter (ISBN: 9783110186116, Pages: 314, Price: 98.00
euros; US $ 137.00).


This volume presents a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the
Spanish evidential semi-auxiliaries parecer and resultar, the modal
constructions with amenazar and prometer, and the modal auxiliaries
poder, deber and tener que. These verbs have never been considered
together in a global approach that transcends the classical "verbal
periphrases" model.

The book proposes a cognitive-functional account of evidentiality and
modality in Spanish with special attention to subjectivity and
The theoretical reflection relies on empirical evidence of two sorts:
synchronic and diachronic corpus-analyses alternate with tests that
the semantic and pragmatic compatibility of the evidential and
epistemic constructions with specific sentences. Following the
assumption that
linguistic forms are determined by their meaning, the array of
constructions that characterizes the different verbs justifies their
grouping in three pairs of (semi-)auxiliaries: parecer vs resultar,
amenazar vs prometer and poder vs deber/tener que. The distributional
differences observed in the corpus are further shown to correlate with
different degrees of grammaticalization.

Primarily intended for scholars working in the field of Spanish
functional linguistics, the monograph is also relevant for
grammaticalization studies
and for cognitive-semantic research at large. Given its combined
theoretical and applied character, the volume is also of interest to
concerned with syntactic processes, lexical semantics or the wider
area of discourse analysis and pragmatics.



Chapter 1: Background, objectives and methodology
1. Previous accounts of parecer
2. Previous accounts of poder, deber and tener que
3. Previous accounts of amenazar and prometer
4. Broad and narrow definitions of evidentiality
5. Corpus research
6. Cognitive-functional account
7. Outline of the book

Chapter 2: Evidentiality with parecer and resultar
1. Frequency distribution
2. From source of information to (inter)subjectivity
2.1. Evidentiality: a typology
2.2. Speaker commitment and reliability
2.3. (Inter)subjectivity
3. A three-dimensional analysis of parecer
3.1. Evidential types
3.2. Speaker commitment and reliability
3.3. (Inter)subjectity
4. A three-dimensional analysis of resultar
4.1. Evidential types
4.2. Speaker commitment and reliability
4.3. (Inter)subjectivity
5. Conclusions

Chapter 3: Degrees of transparency and subjectification with parecer
and resultar
1. Transparency
1.1. Definition of transparency
1.2. Transparent parecer vs. non-transparent resultar
2. Transparency and focal prominence
2.1. Focal prominence
2.2. Parecer + infinitive and parece que
2.3. Resultar + infinitive and resulta que
2.4. Left-dislocation
3. Subjectification
3.1. Diachronic subjectification
3.2. Synchronic subjectification
4. Conclusions

Chapter 4: Evidentiality and modality with prometer and amenazar 85
1. Previous research lines on promise and threaten
1.1. Epistemicity, inferentiality and evaluative orientations
1.2. Different epistemic values
1.3. Transparency and subjectification
2. The lexical origins of the speaker commitment
2.1. Frequency distribution
2.2. Subject commitment
2.3. The different impact of conditional clauses
2.4. Illocutionary force
3. The modal orientation of amenazar and prometer
3.1. Working hypothesis
3.2. Prediction with amenazar
3.3. Refinement of the non-realization criterion
3.4. Prediction with prometer
3.5. Theoretical implications
4. The evaluative orientation of amenazar and prometer
4.1. Working hypothesis
4.2. Evaluation with prometer
4.3. Evaluation with amenazar
5. Conclusions

Chapter 5: Partial transparency with modal prometer and amenazar
1. Restrictions on the infinitive
1.1. Working hypothesis and methodology
1.2. Global distribution
1.3. Infinitives with amenazar
1.4. Infinitives with prometer
1.5. Infinitives absent in the corpus
2. Restrictions on the subject
2.1. Working hypothesis and methodology
2.2. Subjects of lexical amenazar and prometer
2.3. Subjects of modal amenazar
2.4. Subjects of modal prometer
3. Conclusions

Chapter 6: Subjectification of prometer and amenazar
1. A diachronic approach to promise and threaten
1.1. An overview
1.2. Metaphorical extension
1.3. Metonymic extension
2. A diachronic analysis of amenazar and prometer
2.1. Amenazar
2.2. Prometer
3. Conceptual subjectification
3.1. Attenuation
3.2. Subjectification
3.3. Focal prominence
4. Conclusions

Chapter 7: Evidentiality, modality and transparency with poder, deber
and tener que
1. Frequency distribution
2. Poder: preference for epistemic modality
3. Deber and tener que: on inferentiality and hearsay
3.1. Deber
3.2. Tener que
3.3. Deduction and induction
3.4. Non-speaker oriented evidentiality
4. Deber: preference for inductive inferences
4.1. General tendencies
4.2. Inductive inference
4.3. Epistemic modality
4.4. Deductive inference
4.5. Reportive readings
5. Tener que: preference for deductive inferences
5.1. General tendencies
5.2. Deductive inference
5.3. Inductive inference
5.4. Epistemic modality
5.5. Reportive readings
5.6. Discussion
6. Transparency
6.1. Classification
6.2. Infinitives and subjects with poder
6.3. Infinitives and subjects with deber
6.4. Infinitives and subjects with tener que
6.5. Summary
7. Conclusions

Chapter 8: Epistemic and evidential modals: modal grounding and
1. Diachronic subjectification vs. modal grounding
1.1. Diachronic subjectification
1.2. Modal grounding
2. On formal and conceptual aspects of grounding
2.1. Grounding predications and subjectification
2.2. Content and profile
2.3. Dynamic evolutionary model
3. Aspectual and modal marking
3.1. Methodology
3.2. Infinitive and Spanish modals
4. The shift from deontic/dynamic to epistemic modality
4.1. Force dynamics and metaphor
4.2. Reference-point
4.3. Subjectification and interplay of forces
4.4. Different epistemic and evidential readings
5. Conclusions

Chapter 9: General conclusions
1. Evidential and epistemic qualifications
2. Linguistic representation
3. Further research

Author index
Subject index

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