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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (UAB), Mar Cruz (UB)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero
<br />Programación y desarrollo: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern), María Luisa Calero (U. Córdoba,
<br />Asesor/a: Isabel Verdaguer (UB), Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig,
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (CDC), Antonio Ríos (UAB),
Danica Salazar (UB)
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<br /></br><hr /><b>Recursos lingüísticos: </b><br />Lectures on
Cognitive Semantics and Natural Language Processing: vídeo de las
conferencias<br /><b>URL:</b> <a
/><b>Información de:</b> Infoling List
<infoling@infoling.org><br /><hr /><br
/><b>Descripción</b><br /><p> Las conferencias de las 'Lectures
on Cognitive Semantics and Natural Language Processing', que se
presentaron en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España) el 20 y
21 de mayo de 2010, se encuentan disponibles en la red. <br /><br
/>Estas conferencias se organizaron en el marco del desarrollo del
proyecto de investigación FrameNet Español (<a
target="_blank">http://gemini.uab.es/SFN</a>), financiado por el
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (FFI2008-0875).<br
/><br /><br />Conferencias:<br /><br />1. Nancy Chang, Sony Computer
Science Laboratory, Paris<br />"Reframing aspectual composition"<br
/><br />Vídeo y Powerpoint:<br /><a
/>Usuario: guest<br />Clave: guest<br /><br />Abstract:<br
/>Languages employ a wide range of devices that shape event
interpretation--that is, that affect whether an event is seen as
static or dynamic, whether it unfolds gradually over time or
represents a discrete change of state, whether it involves multiple
iterations (at a particular level of granularity), etc. These devices
include explicit grammatical markers of tense and aspect, as well as
the aspectual constraints considered inherent to specific verbs or
classes of verbs (cf. Aktionsart). But the crosslinguistic evidence
suggests that event interpretation depends on properties of the
sentence (and the event) as a whole: the constraints imposed by
various lexical, phrasal and clausal constructions interact with
contextual factors to produce subtle differences in interpretation and
acceptability. A full account of these phenomena thus requires a
principled means of combining temporal and aspectual constraints from
disparate constructions, as well as a richer model of event structure
that not only identifies relevant features but also captures their
dynamic interactions in context.<br /><br />In this talk I address
these requirements by exploiting two key ideas: (1) frame-specific
aspectual constructions; and (2) simulation-based event
representation. I describe a framework that combines these ideas to
provide a natural and elegant account of a wide variety of
crosslinguistic aspectual phenomena, including both traditional
aspectual distinctions and subtler context-dependent ones (e.g.,
resource production and consumption, permanent and reversible changes
of state, goal achievement, iteration on different time scales). In
particular, I define both basic event frames (corresponding to states,
continuous processes and discrete transitions) and more complex event
frames, and then illustrate various constructions that can evoke and
constrain these frames (including verbs, auxiliaries, argument
structure constructions and temporal modifiers). I also show how these
schematic event frames serve as a principled, limited interface
between linguistic knowledge and the situational context:
constructions need only specify their compositional constraints in
terms of these schematic structures, allowing the dynamic simulation
process to account for the potentially unbounded range of
context-dependent inferences and coercions present in more challenging
aspectual phenomena. The resulting account demonstrates how a unified
approach to integrating specifically linguistic knowledge with richer
embodied representations can elegantly capture context-dependent
syntactic and semantic generalizations.<br /><br /><br />2. Michael
Ellsworth, International Computer Science Institute<br
/>"Conceptualization of motion and emotion in English and Spanish"<br
/><br />Vídeo y PowerPoint: <br /><a
/>Usuario: guest<br />Clave: guest<br /><br />Abstract:<br />As
shown by the groundbreaking research of Talmy and Slobin, there are
differences in conceptualization patterns in different languages which
have a deep influence on the frequency and availability of particular
means of expression. Spanish, in particular, has been shown to conform
to the Verb-framed language type (otherwise known as Path-in-verb),
contrasting with the Satellite-framed (otherwise known as
Path-not-in-verb) language type of languages such as English, but
there are many other patterns of difference that have received less
attention. In particular, the constructions--especially lexical
constructions--used to describe emotion in Spanish are more likely to
profile a change of state than corresponding English language
descriptions. This type of linguistic difference has been described as
a lexicalization pattern in the dimension of aspect (Talmy 1985), but
this purely featural description fails to relate the preference of
languages like Spanish for state-change conceptualization to the
propensity for Verb-frame conceptualization patterns. A frame-based
understanding of these kinds of data is, by contrast, shown to be
arbitrarily extensible to lower level generalizations and allows us to
relate multiple cooccurrent aspects of frames to each other. In
addition, evidence from the emotional domain, unlike that of the
motion domain, points to a need to distinguish at which levels
particular preferences are operative: English and Spanish are similar
in having many basic verbal roots pertaining to emotion with causative
conceptualization (En. piss [off], Sp. enoj-a/enfad-a). Spanish often
lexicalizes causative roots as inchoative structures, accompanied by
corresponding syntax, eg. enojarse. In English, by contrast, a static
conceptualization of emotions is preferred, a preference that shows up
at the lexical level, with many stative participles (pissed off), at
the phrasal level, with the use of the progressive (you're pissing me
off), and at the pragmatic level (The company pissed/pisses me
off).</p><br /><b>Área temática:</b> Lingüística cognitiva,
Lingüística computacional, Lingüística de corpus,
Neurolingüística, Pragmática, Psicolingüística, Semántica,
Sintaxis, Teorías lingüísticas<br /><br /><b>Información en la web
de Infoling:</b><br /> <a