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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (UAB), Mar Cruz (UB)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero
<br />Programación y desarrollo: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern), María Luisa Calero (U. Córdoba,
<br />Asesor/a: Isabel Verdaguer (UB), Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig,
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (CDC), Antonio Ríos (UAB),
Danica Salazar (UB)
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<br />Con el patrocinio de:
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<br /><font style="font-size:90%">© Infoling 1996-2010. Reservados
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<br /></br><hr /><b>Revista: </b><br />Language Design. Journal of
Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics 12 (2011)<br /><b>URL:</b> <a
/><b>Información de:</b> Infoling List
<infoling@infoling.org><br /><hr /><br
/><b>Descripción</b><br /><p> Language Design is an academic
journal that publishes linguistic research on relevant aspects of the
design of natural languages. One of the principal objectives of
Language Design is to foment debate and to integrate knowledge about
the nature of language in general, and also the unity and diversity of
particular languages. It is hoped that this will, in turn, contribute
to a clearer and more cohesive vision of the emergence and evolution
of natural languages, as well as their relations with other aspects of
our environment.<br /><br />The study of language design stems from
the belief that natural language emerges and develops as a result of
the conjunction, articulation, co-operation, and competition of
elements and pressures, which move in cycles of permanent
reorganization, and which are capable of eventually producing highly
structured codes of communication.<br /><br />One of the underlying
principles of Language Design is the presupposition that the multiple
structures and linguistic features found in different languages, in
reality, constitute a set of solutions taken from a complex, though
not infinite, range of possibilities, product of the interaction,
clash, and compromise of many different types of factors (ontological,
biological, psychological, cognitive, sociocultural and historical).
Each of these factors can potentially determine design features in
language through simultaneous interaction with the competing pressures
and demands of other factors<br /><br />In consonance with this, the
different languages of the world are both products and instruments,
which have emerged from the same basic conditioning and as such, are
subject to the same morpho-genetic forces. In this light, the
differences between languages are due more to the existence of a wide
range of possible variations within the basic framework of natural
language than to the pressures of economic evolution and cultural
specificity. The various systems and structures manifest in different
languages are thus variants within a very similar design process.<br
/><br />As a forum of debate, the aim of this journal is to integrate
recent advances in linguistics from a wide variety of different areas,
such as historical linguistics, language typology, language
acquisition, grammaticalization, etc. This naturally includes any
study of the different aspects and areas of language (phonology,
morphology, syntax, lexicology, semantic discourse analysis,
pragmatics, sociolinguistics) which will help to elucidate language
architecture. In conclusion, Language Design welcomes research
articles from all theoretical viewpoints and methodological
perspectives. The principal criterion for acceptance is that all
articles should contribute in some way to furthering the understanding
of the nature of language and its design features.</p><br /><b>Área
Fonética, Fonología, Lingüística cognitiva, Morfología,
Semántica, Sintaxis, Sociolingüística<br /><br /><b>ISSN:</b>
11394218<br />
<br /><b>Índice</b><br /><p>
JENS H. CLEGG<br />Native Spanish Speaker Intuition in Noun Gender
Assignment<br /><br />JOSÉ ALEJANDRO CALERO DÍAZ<br />Discusión
sobre la existencia de diglosia en la lengua checa<br /><br />NADER AL
JALLAD<br />The concept of "shame" in Arabic: bilingual dictionaries
and the challenge of defining culture-based emotions<br /><br
/>ENRIQUE HUELVA-UNTERNBAUMEN<br />The complex domain matrix of
ditransitive constructions<br /><br />J. F. MEDINA MONTERO<br />El
color bianco en las colocaciones italianas en contraste con el
español: algunas propuestas de traducción<br /><br />GUILLERMO
TOLEDO<br />Prosodia de la frontera derecha<br /><br />EKRAM HAMÚ
HADDÚ<br />Humor y lenguaje: a propósito de un chiste rifeño<br
/><br /><br />II. Book Reviews and Book Notices<br /><br />ÁVILA
MUÑOZ, ANTONIO M. y VILLENA PONSODA, JUAN A. (eds) (2010): Variación
social del léxico disponible en la ciudad de Málaga. Diccionario y
análisis. Reseña de Lucía Luque Nadal.<br /><br />MELLADO, CARMEN;
(eds.) (2010): La fraseografía del S. XXI. Nuevas propuestas para el
español y el alemán. Reseña de Inés Olza.<br /><br />LUQUE NADAL,
LUCÍA (2010): Fundamentos teóricos de los diccionarios
lingüístico-culturales. Relaciones entre fraseología y
culturología. Reseña de Francisco Joaquín García Marcos.<br /><br
/>LÓPEZ GARCÍA, ÁNGEL (2010): El origen del lenguaje. Reseña de
Antonio Pamies Bertrán.<br /><br />VALEŠ, MIROSLAV (ed.) (2008):
Pasión por el hispanismo. Reseña de Neus Barceló Munar.<br /><br
/>LUQUE TORO, Luis (2009): Diccionario contextual de locuciones
preposicionales. Reseña de Juan de Dios Luque Durán.<br /><br
/>MARTÍNEZ DEL CASTILLO, Jesús (2010): Las relaciones
lenguaje-pensamiento o el problema del logos. Reseña de Jesús
Isaías Gómez López.<br /><br />BUCKINGHAM, LOUISA (2009): Las
construcciones con verbo soporte en un corpus de especialidad. Reseña
de M. del Pilar Mesa Arroyo.<br /><br />MELLADO BLANCO, Carmen (ed.)
(2009): Theorie und Praxis der idiomatischen Wörterbücher. Reseña
de José Manuel Pazos Bretaña.<br /><br />MARCOS MARÍN, Francisco y
DE MIGUEL, Amando (2009): Se habla español. Reseña de Lucía Luque
Nadal.</p><br /><br /><b>Información en la web de Infoling:</b><br />
<a href="http://www.infoling.org/informacion/R101.html"