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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (U. Autónoma Barcelona), Mar Cruz
(U. Barcelona)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero (UB)
<br />Programación, desarrollo y asesor para informaciones de
lingüística computacional: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern, Suiza), María Luisa Calero (U.
Córdoba, España)
<br />Asesoras/es: Luis Cortés (U. Almería), Isabel Verdaguer (UB),
Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig, Alemania)
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (Cause Data Collective, EE.UU),
Antonio Ríos (UAB), Danica Salazar (UB)
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1576-3404 </font>
<br /><font style="font-size:90%">© Infoling 1996-2012. Reservados
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<br /></br><hr /><b>Petición de contribuciones (evento): </b>The
spoken language in a multimodal context. Description, teaching,
translation<br />Barcelona (España), del 10 al 11 de diciembre de
2012<br />(1ª circular)<br />URL: <a
target="_blank">http://www.upf.edu/edi/en/</a><br /><b>Información
de:</b> Hildegard Resinger <hildegard.resinger@upf.edu><br
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target="_blank">View with English headings</a></p><hr /><br
/><b>Descripción</b><br /><p>Over the last decade, the concept of
multimodality has gained increasing significance across those sciences
concerned with investigating the function, use and development of
media that combine visual and auditory elements. The audiovisual text
is considered to be the example par excellence for multimodality as it
explains the interest that communication and translation studies have
in determining the extent of multimodality more precisely in the
context of audiovisual genres.<br /><br />Itt seems that in today's
information society the traditional distinction between orality and
writing is vanishing. In the maze of channels and codes offered by the
new communication technologies, the use of language is redefined. This
can be seen by the impact on written language which supposedly has
become more immediate and accentuates informal and colloquial
elements. It can be assumed that all these changes also affect the
oral use of language and the presence of the spoken language in these
changed contexts with their altered communicative aims. In this
regard, the spoken word is resituated as an element in between various
modalities and adapted to these contexts.<br /><br />The 2012 edition
of the workshop will bring together about thirty doctoral candidates,
who are working in the field of Linguistics, Information and
Communication, Translation, Philosophy, Education, Psychology,
Museology, Arts and Cinema.<br />The aim of the workshop is to help
the doctoral candidates in presenting a clear abstract of their thesis
work regarding elaboration, oral presentation and constructive debates
with other participants; in a language other than their mother
tongue.<br /><br />Proposals for papers should be handed in together
with an abstract of approximately 250 words (in English or French, but
not the author's mother tongue), including the following
information:<br />Surname(s) and name of the author<br />Postal
address<br />E-mail address<br />Academic Institution<br />Doctoral
Programme<br />Topic of thesis<br />Topic of paper<br />Abstract<br
/><br />It is suggested that the presentations focus on the spoken
language in the following areas of fiction and non-fiction,
considering the multimodal conditions of the genres:<br /><br
/>– audiovisual genres, audiovisual narration, audiovisual
translation, audio description;<br />– comics and graphic novels and
translation;<br />– picture books and cinema for children and
translation;<br />– literature, in particular, narratives and the
adaption of literary works to other modes and in other areas (comics,
movies, children books, didactic material, etc.);<br />– sign
language and sign language interpretation;<br />– journalistic texts
and translation;<br />– web pages and translation;<br />– audio
guides, museum pedagogy and didactics, the distribution object - text
(spoken word), staging of the object;<br />– learning and teaching
of first and second languages in a multimodal context;<br
/>– e-learning and spoken language;<br />– interactive learning,
spoken language and multimodality.<br /><br />Semiotic approaches to
multimodality will be welcomed and the description of socio-pragmatic
and cultural, psychological, pedagogical and didactical as well as
linguistic and translational aspects.<br /><br />Each communication
will have about 15 minutes for the oral presentation with an
additional 5 minutes for the debate.<br />Accommodation will be
provided for all active participants of the workshop.</p><br
/><b>Área temática:</b> Adquisición del español como lengua
primera (L1), Análisis del discurso, Lingüística cognitiva,
Lingüística de corpus, Otras especialidades, Pragmática,
Psicolingüística, Sociolingüística, Traducción<br /><br
/><b>Entidad Organizadora: </b>Universitat Pompeu Fabra<br /><br
/><b>Contacto:</b> Sandra Falbe <edi@upf.edu><br /><br
/><b>Comité científico</b><br /><p>Jenny Brumme (Universitat Pompeu
Fabra)<br />Anna Espunya (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)<br />Gerda Haßler
(Universitat de Potsdam)<br />Denis Le Pesant (Université Paris Ouest
Nanterre La Défense)</p><b>Comité organizador</b><br /><p>Head:
Jenny Brumme (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)<br />Secretary: Sandra Falbe
(UPF), Sybille Schellheimer (UPF), Èlia Sala Robert (UPF)</p><b>Plazo
de envío de propuestas: </b>hasta el 16 de mayo de 2012<br
/><b>Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas: </b>8 de junio
de 2012<br /><br /><b>Lengua(s) oficial(es) del evento: </b>English,
French,<br /><br /><b>Nº de información:</b> 1<br /><br
/><b>Información en la web de Infoling:</b><br /> <a
href="http://www.infoling.org/informacion/C395.html" target="_blank">