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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (U. Autónoma Barcelona), Mar Cruz
(U. Barcelona)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero (UB)
<br />Programación, desarrollo: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras/es de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern, Suiza), María Luisa Calero (U.
Córdoba, España), Luis Cortés (U. Almería)
<br />Asesoras/es: Isabel Verdaguer (UB), Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig,
<br />Asesor legal: Daniel Birba
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (International Computer Science
Institute, EE.UU), Miroslava Cruz (U. Autónoma del Estado de Morelos.
México), Matthias Raab (UB), Antonio Ríos (UAB)
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<br /><b>Infoling 2.12 (2014)</b><br />ISSN: 1576-3404 </font>
<br /><font style="font-size:90%">© Infoling 1996-2012. Reservados
todos los derechos</font>
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<br /><hr /><b>Beca para realizar el doctorado:</b> Doctoral
scholarship in Spanish Linguistics<br /><b>Institución:</b> Ghent
University. Bélgica<br /><b>Información de:</b> Miriam Bouzouita
<miriam.bouzouita@ugent.be><br />Compartir: <a
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/></a><hr /><p><a
target="_blank">View with English headings and Google-translated
<em>Description</em></a></p><hr /><br /><b>Descripción</b><br
/><p> Applications for a fully-funded Ph.D. scholarship are invited.
The scholarship is on the topic of variation in spatial adverb(ial)s
in Peninsular Spanish and can begin no earlier than May 1, 2014, and
no later than September 1, 2014. The PhD scholarship is fully funded
for a period of up to 4 years. Salary is ±1860 euros per month
(depending on experience). Additional funding for travel, material and
equipment is also available. <br /><br />Profile of the candidate:<br
/>- Candidates should hold a Master diploma in Spanish Linguistics or
equivalent.<br />- Candidates are required to possess an excellent
oral and written command of Spanish.<br />- Having written a
dissertation within the field of dialectology is desirable. <br /><br
/>Synopsis of the project:<br />'Encima de mí or encima mío? On the
Grammatical Variation in Spatial Adverbial Expressions in Peninsular
Spanish'.<br /><br />This scholarship focusses on the grammatical
variation found in Peninsular Spanish in a series of spatial adverbial
constructions that are followed by a noun phrase, such as encima (de)
‘on top of’, al lado (de) ‘next to’ and arriba (de) ‘above
of’. Although in recent years various studies have examined the
variation between simple spatial adverbs, such as aquí-acá
‘here’ and allí-allá ‘there’, in Latin American varieties
(e.g. Sedano 1994; Travis & Curnow 2012), similar analyses for
Peninsular Spanish are far and few in between (e.g. Sedano 2001). In
fact, adverbs and the variation associated with them have, in general,
received less attention than other grammatical categories, such as
nouns and verbs, within the field of Spanish linguistics. As Octavio
de Toledo y Huerta (in press) has noted recently, this is even more so
for the spatial compound forms which consist of an adverb or an
adverbial phrase and can be followed by the preposition de in spoken
varieties of Spanish, as illustrated in examples (1) and (2):<br /><br
/>(1) Encima + de + noun phrase<br />[…] porque, después que se
retiró ya, ya duró poco. Y de trabajar to un mes, to'l mes de ir y
venir andando y de verlo yo venir a casa cuando cobraba, y posar
encima de la mesa cincuenta duros. (Asturias, Fechaladrona,
COSER-0509-01)<br />(2) Encima + ø + noun phrase<br />Y [lo] echaban
encima la mesa […]. (Navarra, Leitza, COSER-3214-01)<br />(3) Encima
+ de + personal pronoun<br />Dice: "¿Que cómo lo sé?", dice, "que
me he tenido que tumbá en la cantarilla dice, y el toro encima de
mí". (Albacete, Liétor, COSER-0214-01)<br />(4) Encima + ø + tonic
possessive pronoun<br />Juan Ignacio confirmó que “[…] voy a
tener la espada de Damocles encima mía durante toda la temporada”.
(Verdad, 25/07/2009 cited by RAE 2009: 1361)<br /><br />It is the
aforementioned variation in spatial adverbial forms that will be the
research topic of the fully-funded PhD scholarship. In particular,
attention will need to be paid to one type of grammatical
micro-variation that has been mentioned in the literature, albeit
sporadically: to wit, the alternation between spatial adverbial
structures with a personal and a tonic possessive pronoun, whereby the
former appear with the preposition de whereas the latter without, as
exemplified in (3) and (4) respectively.<br /><br />Applications are
to include:<br />- A curriculum vitae with a detailed description of
your academic career (including documentation of study performance,
e.g. transcripts).<br />- Copies of university degree(s).<br />-
Contact details of two referees, one of which should be the supervisor
of your dissertation or end-of-year project.<br />- A cover letter
explaining your motivation for applying for this scholarship (max. 3
pages).<br />- One written piece you consider the best (e.g. term
paper or final thesis) which needs to be submitted via email: <a
/><br />Applications should be sent to:<br />Ghent University<br
/>Department of Linguistics (LW06)<br />Prof. Dr Miriam Bouzouita<br
/>Blandijnberg 2<br />9000 Ghent<br />Belgium<br /><br />For further
information contact Prof. Dr Miriam Bouzouita: <a
/><b>Plazo de envío de solicitudes:</b> hasta el 07 de marzo de
2014<br /><br /><b>Área temática:</b> Lingüística románica,
Semántica, Sintaxis, Variedades del español<br /><br
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