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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (U. Autónoma Barcelona), Mar Cruz
(U. Barcelona)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero (UB)
<br />Programación, desarrollo: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras/es de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern, Suiza), María Luisa Calero (U.
Córdoba, España), Luis Cortés (U. Almería)
<br />Asesoras/es: Maite Taboada (Simon Fraser U., Canadá), Isabel
Verdaguer (UB), Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig, Alemania)
<br />Asesor legal: Daniel Birba
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (Int'l Computer Science Institute,
EE.UU), Miroslava Cruz (U. Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México),
Matthias Raab (UB), Antonio Ríos (UAB)
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<br /><b>Infoling 5.13 (2014)</b><br />ISSN: 1576-3404 </font>
<br /><font style="font-size:90%">© Infoling 1996-2012. Reservados
todos los derechos</font>
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<br /><hr /><b>Medios de comunicación:</b><br />English, Aljazeera.
2012. Bolivia: The Aymara<br /><b>URL:</b> <a
/><b>Referencia:</b> Aljazeera English. Living the Language<br
/><b>Información de:</b> <infoling@infoling.org><br
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target="_blank">View with English headings</a></p><hr /><br
/><b>Reproducción del texto o información</b><br /><p> <b>Previously
untold stories are now being heard in Bolivia, often in languages once
excluded from public discourse.</b><br /><br />The streets of the
Bolivian capital La Paz have changed, as have the faces of power.
Previously untold stories of colonisation and hardships are now being
told, often in the form of colourful murals lining the main
thoroughfares of the city.<br /><br />In Evo Morales the country has
its first indigenous president and he has made promoting indigenous
languages a part of his agenda. Indeed, 75 per cent of Bolivia's
population is indigenous. Still, many feel that speaking languages
such as Aymara publicly signals low class and backwardness. "When I'm
on stage I see a bit of admiration from the public," says musician
Rufino Machaca Mamani. "But if I speak Aymara with my friends, they
will discriminate. They think that I'm a peasant and an Indian."
However, culture is the first step to changing perceptions of Aymara
and other indigenous languages. A lot of modern music is now being
made and sung with lyrics in languages previously excluded from the
public discourse. Aymara rapper Abraham Bohorquez says: "We do
hip-hop, and at the same time we reclaim the cultural identity of our
communities. Five years ago, many young people were ashamed of being
Aymara or Quechua." In Bolivia, the movement for change from within is
starting with pride.<br /><br /><b>Living the Language</b> can be seen
on Al Jazeera English (<a
each week at the following times GMT: Tuesday: 2230; Wednesday: 0930;
Thursday: 0330; Friday: 1630; Saturday: 2230; Sunday: 0930; Monday:
0330</p><br /><b>Área temática:</b> Otras especialidades,
Sociolingüística<br /><br /><b>Información en la web de
Infoling:</b><br /> <a