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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (U. Autónoma Barcelona), Mar Cruz
(U. Barcelona)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero (UB)
<br />Programación, desarrollo: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras/es de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern, Suiza), María Luisa Calero (U.
Córdoba, España), Luis Cortés (U. Almería)
<br />Asesoras/es: Maite Taboada (Simon Fraser U., Canadá), Isabel
Verdaguer (UB), Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig, Alemania)
<br />Asesor legal: Daniel Birba
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (Int'l Computer Science Institute,
EE.UU), Miroslava Cruz (U. Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México),
Mercedes García de Quesada (U. Granada), Matthias Raab (UB), Antonio
Ríos (UAB)
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<br /><b>Infoling 8.22 (2014)</b><br />ISSN: 1576-3404 </font>
<br /><font style="font-size:90%">© Infoling 1996-2014. Reservados
todos los derechos</font>
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<br /><hr /><b>Petición de contribuciones (evento): </b>Discourse
Markers and Experimental Pragmatics (IPrA panel)<br />Antwerp
(Bélgica), del 26 al 31 de julio de 2015<br />(1ª circular)<br
/>URL: <a href="http://ipra.ua.ac.be/main.aspx?c=.CONFERENCE14&n=1476"
/><b>Información de:</b> Inés Recio
<ines.recio@iued.uni-heidelberg.de><br />Compartir: <a
target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img border="0"
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title="Tweet this" style="vertical-align:-30%;height:16px;width:16px"
/></a><hr /><p><a
target="_blank">View with English headings and Google-translated
<em>Description</em></a></p><hr /><br /><b>Descripción</b><br
/><p>From a cognitive approach to discourse, utterance interpretation
is widely assumed to be performed by means of inferential
computations. As a result, it is expectable for languages to have
specific devices at their disposal that minimize the addressee’s
cognitive effort in her aim to process the meaning of what is uttered.
<br /><br />Due to their fundamentally procedural meaning (cf.
Blakemore 1987, 2002; Blass 1990; Wilson & Sperber 1993, Fraser 1999
among many others), discourse markers constrain the inferential
processes in communication guiding the hearer or reader to the
expectable cognitive effects and contributing to minimize her
processing effort. As a result, as intentional communication devices,
it seems plausible that discourse markers could constitute an
attentional focus in discourse comprehension and production.<br /><br
/>Compared to the abundance of descriptive studies based on
observation, experimental studies on discourse markers are still
rather scarce. However, evidence from experiments of a psychological
nature can give a good account of the reactions (processing efforts)
to given stimuli (utterances), what at the same time could help
confirming or discarding hypothesis obtained by other approaches to
pragmatic research (Noveck & Sperber 2004). Therefore, the aim of our
panel is precisely to create a forum for scientific discussion in
which complementary experimental approaches to the study of discourse
markers can be presented. <br /><br />Contributions for oral
presentations dealing with one or several of the following specific
questions are welcome: <br />- As functional categories with a mainly
procedural meaning that guides the hearer’s inferences in
communication, do discourse markers condition the processing effort of
utterances, and if so, is this operational meaning
language-specific?<br />- Do discourse markers influence utterance and
discourse comprehension? How is such influence exerted? <br />- Do
different types of discourse markers play different roles as
inference-guiding devices or do they display a unitary behaviour for
discourse interpretation? <br />- Does the contribution of discourse
markers to utterance interpretation depend on their specific semantic
and syntactic properties, and on their interaction between such
properties and other utterance elements? How does this interaction
exactly take place? <br />- How can experimental evidence contribute
to confirming, discarding or revising theoretical claims about the
procedural meaning of discourse markers?<br />- What are the limits
and the empirical and theoretical possibilities for experimental
pragmatics concerning discourse markers research? <br /><br />For
abstract submissions, please follow the official IPrA instructions as
stated on its website: <a
/>- Abstracts –min. 250 and max. 500 words not including references
and data– must be sent only through the web-based procedure via the
IPrA website by 15 October 2014. <br />- Every panelist will be
allotted a 20-minute slot plus 10 minutes for discussion. <br />-
Please note furthermore that an IPrA membership is necessary both for
submitting a contribution and for presenting during the conference.
<br />- IPrA strongly encourages younger scholars to submit
abstracts.</p><br /><b>Área temática:</b> Adquisición del español
como lengua primera (L1), Análisis del discurso, Ciencia cognitiva,
Lingüística cognitiva, Neurolingüística, Pragmática,
Psicolingüística, Semántica<br /><br /><b>Entidad Organizadora:
</b>Universität Heidelberg<br /><br /><b>Contacto:</b> Inés Recio
<ines.recio@iued.uni-heidelberg.de><br /><br /><b>Comité
organizador</b><br /><p>Óscar Loureda<br />Adriana Cruz<br />Inés
Recio<br />Research group DPKog</p><b>Plazo de envío de
propuestas: </b>hasta el 15 de octubre de 2014<br /><br /><b>Lengua(s)
oficial(es) del evento: </b>English<br /><br /><b>Nº de
información:</b> 1<br /><br /><b>Información en la web de
Infoling:</b><br /> <a
href="http://www.infoling.org/informacion/C735.html" target="_blank">