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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (U. Autónoma Barcelona), Mar Cruz
(U. Barcelona)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero (UB)
<br />Programación, desarrollo: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras/es de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern, Suiza), María Luisa Calero (U.
Córdoba, España), Luis Cortés (U. Almería)
<br />Asesoras/es: Maite Taboada (Simon Fraser U., Canadá), Isabel
Verdaguer (UB), Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig, Alemania)
<br />Asesor legal: Daniel Birba
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (Int'l Computer Science Institute,
EE.UU), Miroslava Cruz (U. Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México),
Mercedes García de Quesada (U. Granada), Matthias Raab (UB), Antonio
Ríos (UAB)
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<br /><b>Infoling 9.25 (2014)</b><br />ISSN: 1576-3404 </font>
<br /><font style="font-size:90%">© Infoling 1996-2014. Reservados
todos los derechos</font>
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<br /><hr /><b>Novedad bibliográfica:</b><br />Boas, Hans C.;
Gonzálvez-García, Francisco, eds. 2014. Romance Perspectives on
Construction Grammar. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins
(Colección: [Constructional Approaches to Language, 15.
Formato: Hardbound, 316 págs., ISBN-13: 9789027204370. Precio: 99,00
EUR, USD 149.00)<br /><b>Compra-e:</b> <a
/><b>Información de:</b> Infoling <infoling@infoling.org><br
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/></a><hr /><p><a
target="_blank">View with English headings and Google-translated
<em>Description</em></a></p><hr /><br /><b>Descripción</b><br
/><p> The chapters in this book show how the different flavors of
Construction Grammar provide illuminating insights into the syntax,
semantics, pragmatics and discourse-functional properties of specific
phenomena in Romance languages such as (Castilian) Spanish, French,
Romanian, and Latin from a synchronic as well as a diachronic
viewpoint. The phenomena surveyed include the role of constructional
meanings in novel verb-noun compounds in Spanish, the relevance of
lexicalization for a constructionist analysis of complex prepositions
in French, the complementariness of fragments, patterns and
constructions as theoretical and explanatory constructs in verb
complementation in French, Latin, and Spanish, non-constituent
coordination phenomena (e.g. Right Node Raising, Argument Cluster
Coordination and Gapping) in Romanian, and variable type framing in
Spanish constructions of directed motion in the light of Leonard
Talmy’s (2000) typological differences of lexicalization between
satellite-framed and verb-framed languages.</p><br /><b>Temática:</b>
Lingüística cognitiva, Lingüística románica, Semántica,
Sintaxis<br /><br /><b>Índice</b><br /><p>Acknowledgements<br /> <br
/>Chapter 1. Applying constructional concepts to Romance languages<br
/>Hans C. Boas and Francisco Gonzálvez-García<br /> <br />Chapter 2.
The role of constructional meanings in novel verb-noun compounds in
Spanish<br />Jiyoung Yoon<br /> <br />Chapter 3. From lexicalization
to constructional generalizations: On complex prepositions in
French<br />Peter Lauwers<br /> <br />Chapter 4. A constructional
corpus-based approach to ‘weak’ verbs in French<br />Dominique
Willems and Claire Blanche-Benveniste<br /> <br />Chapter 5. The
Narrative Infinitive Construction in French and Latin<br />Irina
Nikolaeva<br /> <br />Chapter 6. Bringing together fragments and
constructions: Evidence from complementation in English and Spanish<br
/>Francisco Gonzálvez-García<br /> <br />Chapter 7. A Romance
perspective on gapping constructions<br />Anne Abeillé, Gabriela
Bîlbîie and Francois Mouret<br /> <br />Chapter 8. Variable type
framing in Spanish constructions of directed motion<br />Johan
Pedersen<br /> <br />Author index<br />Construction index<br
/>Language index<br />Subject index</p><br /><b>Información en la web
de Infoling:</b><br /> <a