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<br />Moderador/a: Carlos Subirats (U. Autónoma Barcelona), Mar Cruz
(U. Barcelona)
<br />Editoras: Paloma Garrido (U. Rey Juan Carlos), Laura Romero (UB)
<br />Programación, desarrollo: Marc Ortega (UAB)
<br />Directoras/es de reseñas: Alexandra Álvarez (U. Los Andes,
Venezuela), Yvette Bürki (U. Bern, Suiza), María Luisa Calero (U.
Córdoba, España), Luis Cortés (U. Almería)
<br />Asesoras/es: Maite Taboada (Simon Fraser U., Canadá), Isabel
Verdaguer (UB), Gerd Wotjak (U. Leipzig, Alemania)
<br />Asesor legal: Daniel Birba
<br />Colaboradoras/es: Julia Bernd (Int'l Computer Science Institute,
EE.UU), Miroslava Cruz (U. Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México),
Mercedes García de Quesada (U. Granada), Matthias Raab (UB), Antonio
Ríos (UAB)
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<br /><b>Infoling 9.60 (2014)</b><br />ISSN: 1576-3404 </font>
<br /><font style="font-size:90%">© Infoling 1996-2014. Reservados
todos los derechos</font>
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<br /><hr /><b>Petición de contribuciones (revista): </b><br />Studia
Iberystyczne. Crisis and Minorities 14 (2015) <br /><b>URL:</b> <a
/><b>Información de:</b> Bartosz Dondelewski
<biurobd@gmail.com><br />Compartir: <a
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/></a><hr /><p><a
target="_blank">View with English headings and Google-translated
<em>Description</em></a></p><hr /><br /><b>Descripción</b><br
/><p> <i>Studia Iberystyczne</i> (SI), the annual publication of the
Department of Iberian Languages of the Institute of Romance Philology,
Jaguellonian University in Krakow (Poland), is delighted to invite you
to submit your contributions for the issue Nr 14 (2015), entitled
“Crisis and Minorities”. It is a monographic volume in addition to
the volumes of SI dedicated to the minority languages, literatures and
cultures in the Iberian Peninsula. The complex linguistic reality of
the Peninsula has always depended on extralinguistic factors. In
recent years it has been impossible to underestimate the impact of the
economic crisis throughout the region. Although it has yet to end, in
our opinion some patterns can already be observed.<br /><br />Together
with scholars interested in minority languages and cultures of the
Peninsula, we would like to address the following questions:<br />-
What influence has the financial collapse had on the organizations
that support minority languages, language policies and the conditions
of culture and of the book market?<br />- Does the crisis weaken or
strengthen local identities? Does it make historical traumas revive or
does it discourage civil society ties?<br />- What traces does it
leave in literary creation and (how) is it reflected in the
translations?<br />- How will the crisis end? Will it consolidate the
particularisms within minority communities or will it be a significant
step backwards in terms of cultural decentralization?<br /><br />We
are also interested in receiving other suggestions and contributions
on the relationship between the current crisis and minorities.<br
/><br />Please submit manuscripts before 30th November 2014 by e-mail
to studia.iberystyczne@uj.edu.pl including your name, surname,
affiliation, e-mail address and a summary of up to 300 words in the
language of the article and in English.<br /><br />We invite you to
submit contributions written in the following languages: Spanish,
Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, Basque (together with a summary in
Spanish or Portuguese) and English.<br /><br />Información sobre la
petición de contribuciones en español: <a
/>Más información: <a
/><b>Área temática:</b> Análisis del discurso, Antropología
lingüística, Filosofía del lenguaje, Lingüística cognitiva,
Lingüística histórica, Lingüística románica, Otras
especialidades, Pragmática, Psicolingüística, Retórica,
Semántica, Sociolingüística, Técnicas de comunicación, Teorías
lingüísticas, Terminología, Traducción, Variedades del español<br
/><br /><b>ISSN:</b> 2082-8594<br /><br /><b>Lugar de
edición:</b> Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego<br
/><b>Editor:</b> Krakow<br /><br /><b>Plazo de envío de
propuestas: </b> hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2014<br
/><b>Notificación de contribuciones aceptadas: </b>28 de
febrero de 2015<br /><br /><br /><b>Información en la web de
Infoling:</b><br /> <a