[language] Campfire Casts Doubt on First Americans

H. Mark Hubey HubeyH at Mail.Montclair.edu
Fri Apr 7 10:44:39 UTC 2000

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April 7, 2000
Clovis Tools

Campfire Casts Doubt on First Americans

By Discovery.com News

April 5, 2000 -- Campfire remains found under a southern Virginia sand dune
could be the proof that humans inhabited the Americas as early as 17,000
years ago, fueling the friction over where the first Americans came from and
when, reports today’s Washington Post.

New lab tests confirm human occupancy at the Cactus Hill site, some 45 miles
south of Richmond, during two different periods, team leader Joseph M. McAvoy
said yesterday.

One level dates to 10, 920 years old; the other dates to 15,000 years old,
but could be as old 17,000 years.

For decades, the prevalent theory points to Asian immigrants populating the
Americas after they crossed a land bridge to Alaska some 11,200 years ago.
The immigrants are believed to have quickly spread out, populating the entire
land mass from the Arctic to the tip of South America over the next 500
years. The culture, named after a key site found in the 1930s near Clovis,
N.M.. is party identified by its blade-making techniques.

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