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<title>Oxford Encyclopedia of Linguistics</title>
<h1>Mathematical Linguistics (complex entry)</h1>
Overview 1500 words mid-range revision Geoff Pullum and Andras Kornai
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/matling3.tex">final .tex</a>
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/matling3.pdf">final .pdf</a><p>
Generative Capacity 750 words major rev Emmon Bach and Philip Miller
<a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/gencapfin.tex">final .tex</a>
<a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/gencapfin.pdf">final .pdf</a><p>
Automata Theory/Chomsky Hierarchy 1500 words major rev Robert Wall and David Weir
<a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/aut.html"> zeroth draft of automata
theory part </a> BillF has final galley<p>
Finite State Grammars and Languages 750 words major rev Terry Langendoen
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/fingr2.doc">second draft</a> BillF has
final galley<p>
Context Free Grammars and Languages 750 words major rev Geoff Pullum
<a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/cflfinal.tex">final .tex</a>
<a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/cflfinal.pdf">final .pdf</a><p>
Mildly Context Sensitive 750 words new Aravind Joshi
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/mcsfin.tex">final .tex</a>
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/mcsfin.pdf">final .pdf</a><p>
<h1>Recognition (complex entry)</h1>
Recognition Complexity, 750 words minor rev, Eric Ristad.
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/ristadfin.tex"> final .tex</a>
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/ristadfin.pdf"> final .pdf</a></h1><p>
Speech Recognition (to be done under PHONETICS area) Roger Moore
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/asr.doc">first draft</a><p>
OCR 500 words new Andras Kornai
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/ocrfinal.tex">final .tex</a>
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/ocrfinal.pdf">final .pdf</a><p>
<h1>Learnability (complex entry)</h1>
Math aspects 500 words mid-range rev Geoff Pullum
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/learn.tex">final .tex</a>
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/learn.pdf">final .pdf</a><p>
Psycholinguistic aspects 1500 words (to be done under PHONOLOGY area) <p>
Information Theory 500 words Robin Clark
<a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/inftheofin.tex">final .tex</a> or
<a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/inftheofin.pdf">final .pdf</a><p>
Hidden Markov Models 500 words new Hermann Ney <a
href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/hmmney.tex">final .tex</a> <a
href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/hmmney.pdf">final .pdf</a> <a
href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/hmmney.ps">final .ps</a> Figure in <a
href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/trellis.eps">encapsulated postscript</a>
and in <a href="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/trellis.pdf">pdf</a><p>
Statistical Linguistics 750 words major rev Geoffrey Sampson
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/statling.html"> final draft </a><p>
Quantitative Linguistics (blind entry)<p>
Pattern Recognition (blind entry)<p>
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<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/encyclopedia_template.tex"> latex template</a>
<a href ="http://www.kornai.com/MatLing/encyclopedia_template.html">
and what comes out of hyperlatex</a>
The <a href="http://www.udel.edu/billf/iel.html"> home page</a> of the second
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Last updated June 11 2000
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