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<p><b><font color="#008000"><font size=+2>Journal Publications</font></font></b>
<p>Albert Atserias, Maria Luisa Bonet and Juan Luis Esteban.
<i>``<a href="infocomp.ps.gz"> Lower Bounds for the Weak Pigeonhole Principle
Beyond Resolution </a>''</i>. Accepted for publication in
<b>Information and Computation.</b>
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Nicola Galesi.
<i>``<a href="archive.ps.gz"> Degree Complexity for a Modified Pigeonhole
Principle</a>''.</i> Accepted for publication in the
<b>Archive for Mathematical Logic.</b>
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Nicola Galesi.
<i>``Optimality of Size-Width trade-offs for Resolution''</i>.
Accepted for publication at the <b> Journal of Computational Complexity.</b>
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Carlos Domingo, Ricard Gavalda, Alexis Maciel and
Toniann Pitassi.
<i>``Non-automatizability of bounded-depth Frege proofs''.</i>
Under review.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Juan Luis Esteban, Nicola Galesi and Jan Johansen.
<i>``<a href="FOCS98.ps.gz">On
the Relative Complexity of Resolution Refinements and Cutting Planes Proof
Systems</a>''.</i> <b> SIAM Journal of Computing.</b> vol. 30, num.5, pag.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Toniann Pitassi and Ran Raz. <i>``<a href="FOCS97.ps.gz">
On Interpolation and Automatization for Frege Systems</a>''.
</i> <b> SIAM Journal
of Computing.</b> vol.29, num. 6,2000, pag. 1939-1967.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Cynthia Phillips, Tandy Warnow, and Shibu Yooseph.
<i>``<a href="SIAMtandy.ps.gz">Constructing
Evolutionary Trees in the Presence o f Polymorphic Characters</a>''.</i><b>SIAM
Journal of Computing.</b> vol.29, num.1, 1999, pag. 103-131.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Mike Steel, Tandy Warnow y Shibu Yooseph.
Methods for Solving Parsimony and Compatibility.</i><b>Journal of Computational
Biology.</b> vol. 5, num 3, 1998, pag. 391-407.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Toniann Pitassi y Ran Raz.
<i>Lower Bounds for Cutting
Planes with Small Coefficients.</i><b>Journal of Symbolic Logic (JSL),</b>vol.
62, num. 3, Septiembre 1997, pag. 708--728.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Samue R. Buss. <i>``On the serial transitive
closure problem''.</i> <b> SIAM Journal of Computing, 24(1):109-122.</b>
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Samuel R. Buss. <i>``Size-Depth Tradeoffs for
Parity and Parity-free Boolean Formulae''.</i> <b>Information Processing
Letters, 49: 151-155.</b> 1994.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Samuel R. Buss. <i>``The deduction rule and linear
and near-linear proof simulations''.</i> <b>Journal of Symbolic Logic (JSL),
58(2):688-709.</b> 1993.
<p><b><font color="#008000"><font size=+2>Book Chapters and Thesis</font></font></b>
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Nicola Galesi. <i>``Linear lower bounds and simulations
in Frege systems with substitutions''.</i> <b>Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 1414.</b> Pages 115-128. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Cynthia Phillips, Tandy Warnow, and Shibu Yooseph.
<i>``Inferring Evolutionary Trees from
Polymorphic Characters, and an Analysis of the Indo-European
Family of Languages''.</i> <b>DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics
and Theoretical Computer Science, 37: 43-55.</b> 1997.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Samuel R. Buss and Toniann Pitassi. <i>``Hard Examples
for Frege Proof Systems''.</i> <b>Feasible Mathematics II,</b> P. Clote
and F. Remmel (Ed.) Pages 30-56. Editorial Birhäuser, 1995.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet <i>``Number of Symbols in Frege Proofs with and without
the Deduction Rule''.</i> <b>Arithmetic, Proof Theory and Computational
Complexity,</b> Peter Clote and Jan Krajícek, (ed.). Pages 61-95.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet <i>``The Lengths of Propositional Proofs and the Deduction
Rule''.</i> <b>PHD Thesis.</b> 1991. University of California, Berkeley.
<p><b><font color="#008000"><font size=+2>Conference Publications</font></font></b>
<p>Albert Atserias, Maria Luisa Bonet and Juan Luis Esteban.
<i>``<a href="ICALP01.ps.gz"> Lower Bounds for the Weak Pigeonhole
Principle Beyond Resolution</a>''</i>. <b>ICALP 2001.</b>
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Nicola Galesi.<i>``<a href="FOCS99.ps.gz">A Study
of Proof Search Algorithms for Resolution and Polynomial Calculus</a>''</i>.
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS'99.</b>
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Juan Luis Esteban, Nicola Galesi and Jan Johansen.
<i>``<a href="FOCS98.ps.gz">Exponential Separations between
Restricted Resolution and Cutting Planes Proof Systems</a>''</i>.
<b>39th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS'98.</b>
Standord, California USA. 1998.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Carlos Domingo, Ricard Gavaldá, Alexis
Maciel and Toniann Pitassi.
<i>``<a href="complexity98.ps.gz">Non-automatizability
of Bounded-Depth Frege Proofs</a>''</i>. <b>IEEE Conference on Computational
Complexity.</b> 1998.
<p>Maria Bonet, Mike Steel, Tandy Warnow, and Shibu Yooseph.
<i> ``<a href="compbio.ps.gz">Better
Methods for Solving Parsimony and Compatibility</a>''</i>.
<b>Second Annual
International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology.</b> 1998.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Nicola Galesi.
<i>``Linear lower bounds and simulations
in Frege systems with substitutions''</i>. <b>Annual Conference of the European
Association for Computer Science Logic, CSL'97.</b> Nielsen and Thomas
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Toniann Pitassi y Ran Raz.
<i>`` No Feasible Interpolation
for $TC^0$-Frege Proofs''</i>. <b>38th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer
Science, FOCS'97.</b> Pages 254-265. Miami Beach, Florida, USA. 1997.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Cynthia Phillips, Tandy Warnow, and Shibu Yooseph
<i>``Constructing Evolutionary Trees
in the Presence of Polymorphic Characters''</i>.<b>ACM Symposium
on the Theory of Computing, STOC'96.</b> Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet, Toniann Pitassi and Ran Raz.<i> ``Lower Bounds for
Cutting Planes with Small Coefficients''</i>. <b>ACM Symposium on the Theory
of Computing, STOC'95.</b> Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 1995.
<p>Maria Luisa Bonet and Samuel R. Buss.<i> ``On the deduction rule and
the number of proof lines''</i>. <b>IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science,
LICS'91.</b> Pages 286-297. Amsterdam, Holand. 1991.