[Lexicog] semantic domains

Chaz and Helga Mortensen chaz_mortensen at sil.org
Fri Jan 2 00:17:14 UTC 2004

> Ron,
> Happy New Year to all.
> I checked my Northern Embera/Spanish dictionary (still in Shoebox 4/MDF)
> yesterday and found that it is weighted heavily in favor of nouns (+/-1400
> out of 3200 entries). I have around 1200 verbs but only about 350
> and 250 adverbs. (I also have a lot of information in subentries, probably
> not a good strategy.) The Word & Deed arrived the other day and I will get
> the semantic domain program set up soon so we can discover more
> words.
> I wonder if I have such a low number of entries because the language I
> in uses rather many long phrases where other languages have individual
> words. For example, the illustrative sentence in an entry I checked
> yesterday reads literally:
> "Because they were without same thought, they cut out."
> English: 'Because they did not agree they parted ways.'
> Now "cut out" I have as an entry (lexeme/keyword) frankly because it
> to only two words. "Be without same thought" amounts to four words in N.
> Embera, in my opinion hardly appropriate for a dictionary entry.
> What limit do you put on length of entry (lexeme/keyword)?
> -Chaz
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