[Lexicog] Semantics of verbs

Hayim Sheynin hsheynin at GRATZ.EDU
Tue Sep 28 19:57:44 UTC 2004

I can suggest the following 53 titles on semantics of verbs:

Ü  01Ý  Barr, James.  The semantics of Biblical language.  [London]
        University Press, 1961.  

Ü  02Ý  Bech, Gunnar.  Das semantische System der deutschen Modalverba /
        Gunnar Bech. Le nombre grammatical / par Holger Sten.
Copenhagen : 	  E. Munksgaard, 1949.  

Ü  03Ý  Bernstein, J. S.  On the semantics of certain English phrasal
        and their rendering into Spanish / J.S. Bernstein.  Jamaica,
N.Y. : 
        Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingèue, c1974.  

Ü  04Ý  Collitz, Klara Hechtenberg.  Verbs of motion in their semantic 
        divergence.  Linguistic Society of America, 1931.  

Ü  05Ý  Davis, Edward Porter, 1879-1938.  The semasiology of verbs of
talking and saying in the high German dialects ... by Edward Porter
Davis ...  Leipzig, Printed by B.G. Teubner [1924?]  

Ü  06Ý  Declerck, Renaat H. C.  Literal phrasal verbs and prepositions
        English : a study in generative semantics / Renaat H.C.
        [Mikrofilm-Ausg.].  Leuven, Belgium 1976.  OCLC: 46269619

Ü  07Ý  Farber, Judith, 1943-  The semantics of causative verbs / by
        Farber.  [New Brunswick, N.J.] : Judith Farber, 1976.  OCLC:

Ü  08Ý  Farrokhpey, Mahmoud.  A syntactic and semantic study of
        and modals in modern Persian [microform] / by Mahmoud
        1979.  [MANUSCRIPT]  [MICROFICHE]  

Ü  09Ý  Flint, Aili.  Semantic structure in the Finnish lexicon : verbs
        possibility and sufficiency / Aili Flint.  Helsinki :
        Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1980.  

Ü  10Ý  Gordon, David Paul.  A developmental study of the semantics of 
        factivity in the verbs "know", "think", and "remember" / by
David 	  Paul Gordon.  Ann Arbor : Phonetics Laboratory, University of
Michigan, 1974, 1976 printing.  

Ü  11Ý  Haessler, Luise, 1866-  Old High German biteilen and biskerien /
        Luise Haessler.  Philadelphia : Linguistic society of America, 
        University of Pennsylvania, 1935 ; New York : Kraus Reprint

Ü  12Ý  Holisky, Dee Ann, 1947-  A contribution to the semantics of
aspect : 
        Georgian medial verbs / by Dee Ann Holisky.  1980.    
        OCLC: 28775844

Ü  13Ý  Ikegami, Yoshihiko, 1934-  The semological structure of the
        verbs of motion; a stratificational approach.  Tokyo, Sanseido
        Co. [1970]  

Ü  14Y  Klemme, William Henry, 1943-  A thematic relations analysis of
        syntactic and semantic domain of selected Spanish verbs / by
        Henry Klemme.  1976.  [MANUSCRIPT]  [REPRODUCTION]  

Ü  15Ý  Kline, Wayne Robert.  Semantic units and case roles in the deep 
        structure of sentences containing "fearing" verbs in
        standard Russian / by Wayne Robert Kline.  1978.  [MANUSCRIPT]  

Ü  16Ý  Lang, Adrianne.  The semantics of classificatory verbs in Enga
        other Papua New Guinea languages) / by Adrianne Lang.  Canberra
        Dept. of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific Studies,
        National University, 1975.  

Ü  17Ý  Lipiânska-Grzegorek, Maria.  Some problems of contrastive
analysis : 
        sentences with nouns and verbs of sensual perception in English
        Polish / Maria Lipiânska-Grzegorek.  Edmonton, Alta. ; Champaign

        [Ill.] : Linguistic Research, c1977.  

Ü  18Ý  McCarus, Ernest N. (Ernest Nasseph), 1922-  A semantic analysis
        Arabic verbs / Ernest N. McCarus.  Ann Arbor : Dept. of Near
        Studies, University of Michigan, 1976.  

Ü  19Ý  Osgood, Charles Egerton.  Further validation and methodological 
        extension of ten a priori semantic features for interpersonal
        and adverbs / Charles E. Osgood and Judith Goodrich Ayer.
        Ill. : Group Effectiveness Research Laboratory, Dept. of
        University of Illinois, 1968.  

Ü  20Ý  Osgood, Charles Egerton.  Interpersonal verbs and interpersonal 
        behavior [by] Charles E. Osgood.  [Urbana, Ill., Group
        Research Laboratory, Dept. of Psychology, University of

Ü  21Ý  Penttilèa, Erkki.  The Old English verbs of vision, a semantic
study.  Helsinki, 1956.  

Ü  22Ý  Perkins, Michael R., 1949-  Modal expressions in English /
Michael 	  R. Perkins.  London : F. Pinter, 1983.  

Ü  23Ý  Reining, Charles, 1881-  A study of verbs compounded with aus,
        etc., as contrasted with those compounded with heraus, hinaus,
herein, hinein, etc. [microform], by Charles Reining ... California,
Stanford University, 1916.  

Ü  24Ý  Segovia, Jesusa Manuela B., 1937-  On the semantics and syntax
of 	  may and can.  1970.  [MANUSCRIPT]  

Ü  25Ý  Shannon, Thomas F. (Thomas Frederic), 1948-  The syntax and
semantics of permissive verbs in German / by Thomas F. Shannon.

Ü  25AÝ  Shannon, Thomas F. (Thomas Frederic), 1948-  The syntax and
semantics of permissive verbs in German [microform] / by Thomas F.
Shannon. 1982.  [MANUSCRIPT]  [MICROFILM]  

Ü  26Ý  Sheik, Habib.  The semantic structure of compound verbs in
        Persian and their English equivalents [microform] : a
        study / by Habib Sheik.  1978.  [MANUSCRIPT]  [MICROFILM]    

Ü  27Ý  Stewart, Michael F.  A logical basis for nouns, adjectives, and
verbs / by Michael F. Stewart.  Ann Arbor : Phonetics Laboratory,
University of Michigan, 1971, 1975 printing.  

Ü  28Ý  Stillings, Neil A.  Experiments on the use of the meaning rules
        some English verbs.  1972.  [MANUSCRIPT]  

Ü  29Ý  Sundâen, Karl Fritiof, 1868-  A new etymological group of
        verbs and their derivatives, a study on semantics, by K.F.
        Gèoteborg, Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1943.  

Ü  30Ý  Thornton, Jacqueline Mae.  A semantic classification, by sets,
of 	  the referents of selected Spanish verbs and their structural
implications. [microform].  1971.  [MANUSCRIPT]  [MICROFILM]   

Ü  31Ý  Truex, Gregory Frank.  An experimental study of the semantic
structure of some Zapotec verbs / by Gregory Frank Truex.  Irvine :
University of California, 1973.  

Ü  32Ý  Tsang, Chui Lim.  A semantic study of modal auxiliary verbs in
Chinese / by Chui Lim Tsang.  1981.  [MANUSCRIPT]  [REPRODUCTION]  

Ü  33Ý  Verschueren, Jef.  The analysis of speech act verbs :
        preliminaries / Jef Verschueren.  Bloomington : Indiana
        Linguistics Club, 1977.  

Ü  34Ý  Weman, Bertil.  Old English semantic analysis and theory, with
special reference to verbs denoting locomotion.  Lund, C.W.K.
Gleerup, 1933 ... Nendeln, Liechtenstein, Kraus Reprint, 1967.  

Ü  35Ý  Woisetschlaeger, Erich F., 1942-  A semantic theory of the
        auxiliary system / Erich F. Woisetschlaeger.  [Bloomington, Ind.
        Reproduced by the Indiana University Linguistics Club, 1976]

Ü  36Ý  Yoshioka, Ghen-ichiro, 1870-  A semantic study of the verbs of
        and making in the Indo-European languages --- By Gen-ichiro
Yoshioka. Tokyo, Japan, Printed at the Tokyo Tsukiji type foundry,

Ü  37Ý  Untersuchungen zur semantischen Entwicklungsgeschichte der
Modalverben im Deutschen / Gerd Fritz, Thomas Gloning (Hgg.).
Tèubingen : Niemeyer, 1997.  

Ü  38Ý  Balkanski, Cecile T.  Actions, beliefs and intentions in multi-
action utterances / Cecile Tiberghien Balkanski.  Cambridge, Mass. :
Harvard University, Center for Research in Computing Technology,
Aiken Computation Laboratory, [1993]  

Ü  39Ý  Brennan, Virginia M.  Root and epistemic modal auxiliary verbs /
        Virginia M. Brennan.  Amherst, MA : Reproduced and distributed
        Graduate Linguistic Student Association, c1993.  

Ü  40Ý  DiDesidero, Linda Barbara.  Psych verbs : acquisition, lexical 
        semantics, and event structure.  

Ü  41Ý  Dowty, David R.  Word meaning and Montague grammar : the
semantics 	  of verbs and times in generative semantics and in
Montague's PTQ / 	  David R. Dowty.  Reprinted with new preface.
Dordrecht ; Boston : 	  Kluwer Academic, 1991.  

Ü  42Ý  Enstrèom, Ingegerd.  Klara verba : andrasprêaksinlèarares 
        verbanvèandning i svenskan / Ingegerd Enstrèom.  Gèoteborg :
        Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1996.  

Ü  43Ý  Enstrèom, Ingegerd, 1948-  Klara verba : om
        verbanvèandning i svenskan / Ingegerd Enstrèom.  [Gothenburg] : 
        Gèoteborgs univ., Institutionen fèor svenska sprêaket, 1994.   
Ü  44Ý  Evans, Nicholas, 1956-  The knowing ear : an Australian test of 
        universal claims about the semantic structure of sensory verbs
        their extension into the domain of cognition / Nicholas Evans &
David Wilkins.  Kèoln : Institut fèur Sprachwissenschaft,
Universitèat zu Kèoln, 1998.  

Ü  45Ý  Fan, Yu-Chen C.  A semantic study of Taiwanese verbs using case 
        grammar applied : a knowledge representation model / by Yu-Chen
        Fan.  2000.  [MANUSCRIPT]    

Ü  46Ý  Fife, James.  The semantics of the Welsh verb : a cognitive
approach 	  / James Fife.  Cardiff : Univ. of Wales Press, 1990.

Ü  47Ý  Structural aspects of semantically complex verbs / Nicole Dehâe,
Anja Wanner (eds.).  Frankfurt am Main ; New York : Lang, c2001.  

Ü  48Ý  Danaher, David S.  The semantics and discourse function of
        iterative verbs in contemporary Czech / David S. Danaher.
Mèunchen 	  : Lincom, 2003.  OCLC: 51615017

Ü  49Ý  Hampe, Beate.  Superlative verbs : a corpus-based study of
        redundancy in English verb-particle constructions / Beate Hampe.

        Tèubingen : Gunter Narr, 2002.  

Ü  50Ý  Lèudeling, Anke, 1968-  On particle verbs and similar
constructions 	  in German / Anke Lèudeling.  Stanford, CA : CSLI
Publications, 	 	  c2001.  

Ü  51Ý  Strzelecka, Elçzbieta.  Svenska partikelverb med in, ut, upp och
ner 	  : en semantisk studie ur kognitivt perspektiv / Elçzbieta
Strzelecka.  Uppsala : Institutionen fèor nordiska sprêak vid
Uppsala universitet, 2003.  

Ü  52Ý  Terenzi, Elena.  Building lexical semantics representations for
action verbs / by Elena Terenzi.  2002.  [MANUSCRIPT]  

Ü  53Ý  Zeller, Jochen.  Particle verbs and local domains / Jochen
        Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, PA : J. Benjamins, c2001.   

Pay attention that the diacritics do appear here in very strange form,
but for the person familiar with the language it is not difficult to
figure them out. I do not mention the articles. For them you should
serch in Bibliography Linguistique on line 

Best wishes,
Hayim Sheynin
Adjunct Professor
Gratz College

-----Original Message-----
From: Helge Gundersen [mailto:helge.gundersen at inl.uio.no] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:17 AM
To: lexicographylist at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Lexicog] Semantics of verbs

I have a colleague who has finished her entry for the Norwegian
of HAVE, and will soon embark on COME. This is for a 12-volume
dictionary of Norwegian (a Germanic language), so we are talking about 
articles several or more pages long in fine print. She would like to
herself up on the semantics of verbs, and I wonder if any of you can 
recommend literature (in English, French, German or any of the
languages) which has proved, or might prove, useful as a theoretical 
background for dealing with senses of verbs in a dictionary. The
doesn't have to mention lexicography -- she can make out the relevance

Thank you,
Helge Gundersen
Oslo, Norway

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