[Lexicog] Collaborative lexicography software?

Sebastian Drude sebadru at ZEDAT.FU-BERLIN.DE
Fri Apr 18 12:58:40 UTC 2008

Hi all,

there is also LEXUS, a web-based lexicography tool being developed mainly
by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, in the
context of language documentation projects (DOBES).

Lexus has multi-user colaborative features and in principle is able to
import and export Standard Format (Toolbox) Databases, not necessarily
with MDF settings.

They are woring on a standalone version, and Lexus is meant to
interoperate with other Language Archiving Technology (LAT) tools such as
the linguistic multimedia annotator ELAN.

Im am not up to date how flexible and reliable the import and export
processes from and to SF are by now; they are a tricky question for any
system, especially when it comes to merging existing partially overlapping

The special feature of LEXUS is the possibility to create LINKS between
any two entities, for instance, between a certain region in a picture to
another lexical entry.

Check out ig this tool might be useful for your aims:



| Sebastian   D R U D E    (Linguist, Awetí Project)
| Setor de Lingüística -- CCH --  Museu P. E. Goeldi
| Cx. P. 399   --   66 040 - 170  Belém do Pará - PA
| [55] (91) 3217-6123 --  sebadru at zedat.fu-berlin.de
| www.germanistik.fu-berlin.de/il/pers/drude-en.html


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