[Lexicog] Public funding for national dictionary projects?

Andrew Hawke ach at ABER.AC.UK
Fri Oct 4 16:13:36 UTC 2013

Dear Colleagues,

As you may be aware, the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales 
has been grant-aiding Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru with a ring-fenced 
annual grant. This has reduced in recent years (partly because of the 
Dictionary's two former Co-Editors were presented in the last 
Research Assessment Exercise, leading to "double funding", which was 
then clawed back). The Dictionary generates very little income from 
sales - just about enough to meet the production costs. The remainder 
of the Dictionary's costs are met by the University of Wales (approx. 
60%), but the University is being run down in the approach to the 
intended merger with University of Wales: Trinity Saint David in 2017 or 2018.

Last year HEFCW announced that it intended to end its ring-fenced 
grant to the Dictionary because of financial exigencies and changed 
priorities. Consequently, we expect to lose at least 25% of our 
funding from August 2014.

We have appealed to HEFCW to change its decision, pointing out that 
many large national historical dictionary projects around the world 
receive support from the public purse, in one way or another. HEFCW 
has asked us to substantiate this statement to aid its consideration 
of our case.

We are therefore seeking to compile a list of major projects that 
receive funding from public sources (whether from a direct grant, or 
from funding via a university, or a government-funded learned 
society, or a quango such as a language board). The details HEFCW 
requires are the the name of dictionary or project, the source of the 
government funding and the approximate annual amount granted. (I 
appreciate that the amount of the annual grant may be difficult to obtain.)

If there is any information which you can supply in your particular 
area of interest, I would be most grateful. I would also be grateful 
for any pointers to further possible sources of information to help 
us make our case.

With thanks in anticipation,

Best wishes,


Andrew Hawke | Golygydd Rheolaethol | Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, 
Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru, Llyfrgell 
Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth, SY23 3HH
Andrew Hawke | Managing Editor| University of Wales Dictionary of the 
Welsh Language, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & 
Celtic Studies, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 3HH, UK
ff./tel. +44 (0)1970 631012 | ffacs/fax: +44 (0)1970 631039 | 
ach at aber.ac.uk | gwe/web: http://www.cymru.ac.uk/geiriadur/
Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig / Registered Charity No. 1146516
Nid yw'r neges hon o angenrheidrwydd yn adlewyrchu barn Prifysgol 
Cymru / This message does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the 
University of Wales  


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