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<DIV>Guy Gambill<BR><BR><B><I>Thapelo Otlogetswe <thaps@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><TT>I am involved in a project in which we are planning to<BR>have an online dictionary of the Setswana language.<BR>Our aim is to have a collaborative work in which<BR>speakers of the language who have access to the<BR>internet can add entries and definitions. However such<BR>entries should be editable by the editors of the<BR>dictionary to ensure that high standards of<BR>lexicographic practices are adhered to. This is<BR>important for quality assurance. We are aware of<BR>online collaborations like: <A href="http://wiktionary.org/">http://wiktionary.org/</A><BR>which appear unregulated. <BR>We would like to know of similar projects elsewhere. <BR><BR>Our intention is that the dictionary be both<BR>monolingual and bilingual. That is, entries should be<BR>made in both English and Setswana and users should be<BR>able to search for English Setswana, Setswana English<BR>and
Setswana Setswana. Has such a project been done<BR>for any language? What kind of software[s] would be<BR>best suited for such a project? <BR><BR>We are aware of many online [monolingual and<BR>bilingual] dictionaries but most of them have been<BR>written "offline" and then put online. I would<BR>appreciate feedback on this matter. <BR><BR>With many thanks<BR>Thapelo<BR><BR>=====<BR>Thapelo Otlogetswe<BR>Information Technology Research Institute <BR>University of Brighton<BR>Lewes Road, Brighton<BR>BN2 4GJ, England<BR>Tel: (+44) 1273 642912 (office)<BR> (+44) 1273 682529 (home)<BR> (+44) 1273 642908 (fax)<BR><A href="http://www.itri.brighton.ac.uk/~Thapelo.Otlogetswe/">http://www.itri.brighton.ac.uk/~Thapelo.Otlogetswe/</A><BR><BR>__________________________________<BR>Do you Yahoo!?<BR>Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.<BR><A
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