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dear friends,<br><br>I have entered more than 350 records in my toolbox lexicon and as I do so, I'm constantly checking the rtf export, trying to adjust it to my liking.<br><br>I have been experimenting with MDFdict2.cct and I've managed to solve some of my problems; for example, etymologies are between square brackets now and variants (\va) are printed exactly after the lexeme instead of appearing at the end of the entry.<br><br>Nevertheless, some problems remain.<br><br>First of all, I saw no other way to have it the way I need it, than introducing two new markers <b>\ar</b> for the article (in case of nouns) and <b>\gs</b> for grammatical notes (on the declension, for example).<br><br>Of course, I've only used them in one record: I need to have some descent export before I proceed with using them through out my project.<br><br>I have included the new markers in <b>MDFdict1.cct</b> and I have been trying this and that in <b>MDFdict2.cct</b> but no matter how hard I try (and believe me, I have wasted lots of hours!) I cannot have them the way I want.<br><br>For example:<br><b><font face="courier new">/lx synitheia<br>/ar i<br>/va synitheio<br>/ar to<br>/de blah blah</font></b><br><br>should output this:<br><br><font color="#0000bf"><b>synitheia</b> <i>(i) and</i> <b>synitheio </b><i>(to)</i> blah blah</font><br><br>And I wonder: Is there some easy way to format the Toolbox output or at least some tutorial on how to use the cct files? <br><br>What do other Toolbox users do? do they all print according to this one predefined Toolbox standard?<br><br>thanks again :^)<br>Dimitris<br>
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