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I would typically say "The fire (has) died out." or "The fire went/has
gone out." I can also say "The fire (has) burned out." In the case of
a fire going out if no more fuel is added, I suppose that I <i>could</i>
say "The fire is extinguished," (in contrast to still burning) but I
usually wouldn't. However, if I said "The fire has been extinguished,"
(in my dialect) it definitely didn't go out on its own for lack of
adding fuel.<br>
Shelley Dufoe<br>
David Tuggy wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4999FDB3.5080407@sil.org" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I’d say it dies out. I could say it is or gets extinguished, but I
usually wouldn’t.
--David T
Wayne Leman wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I'm having a senior moment, or maybe it reflects an actual lexical lacuna in
English. Anyway, right now I can't think of an English word for what happens
to a fire if no more fuel is added to it. Of course, we can say that it
"dies." And I am including 'die' and 'go out' glosses in a Russian dialect
dictionary I am working on. But I would also like to include a gloss, if
there is one, which is not semantically extended from its core meaning, as
"die" and 'go out' are in English. I think that "extinguish" is only
transitive. Does it have an intransitive counterpart of any kind, even if it
is a different lexeme?
Ninilchik Russian
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://ninilchik.noadsfree.com">http://ninilchik.noadsfree.com</a></pre>
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