English <-> French using LFG

dyvik at foli.uib.no dyvik at foli.uib.no
Wed Apr 26 09:23:01 UTC 1995

>>        I am currently doing research into the implmentation of a simple ENG
>><->FR translation system in Prolog complete with LFG annotation with a view to
>>using it as a demonstration aid for explaining the workings of LFG, paying
>>particular attention to motion verbs and verb pairs such as like/plaire.
>>I would greatly appreciate any advice, references or URLs for sites where
>>information is available.
>>Eoin Shalloo
>>School of Computer Applications
>>Dublin City University, Ireland.  "Ni/ he/ la/ na gaoithe la/ na scolb"
>I think you would appreciate the following papers of Helge Dyvik,
>University of Bergen, Norway:
>Dyvik, Helge 1990: The PONS Project: Features of a Translation System.
>University of Bergen. Bergen, Norway.
>Dyvik, Helge 1992: Linguistics and Machine Translation.
>In Proceedings of the Scandinavian Conference on Computational Linguistics.
>Bergen 28 - 30 November 1991. Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities.
>Bergen, Norway. (pp. 67 - 78)
>Kjetil Strand
>Department of Linguistics
>University of Oslo, Norway.

Since Kjetil Strand is kind enough to refer to my work in response to Eoin
Shalloo's request, let me add a more recent paper on the PONS system:

Dyvik, Helge 1995: Exploiting Structural Similarities in Machine Translation.
Computers and the Humanities 28:225-234

Helge Dyvik

Helge Dyvik
Department of Linguistics and Phonetics
University of Bergen    	               Phone: 	  +47 55 212261
Sydnesplass 9   	       	       	        Fax:   	  +47 55 589354
N-5007 Bergen, Norway                   E-mail:   dyvik at foli.uib.no

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