<OT> two papers on morphosyntax

bresnan at csli.stanford.edu bresnan at csli.stanford.edu
Wed Nov 5 15:52:08 UTC 1997

I've placed the following two papers as postscript files for download
from my website at


1. Explaining Morphosyntactic Competition - written for the Handbook
of Contemporary Syntactic Theory, ed. by Baltin and Collins, to be
published by Blackwell.  Different conceptions of markedness in
morphological blocking theories and Optimality Theory are compared as
explanations for well-known cases where the existence of a lexical
word makes a periphrastic syntactic construction ungrammatical, and
less well-known cases where the opposite occurs.

2. Optimal syntax - written for The Pointing Finger (The Holland
Institute of Generative Linguistics),
http://www.leidenuniv.nl/hil/ot/.  A revision of Bresnan 1996, this
paper discusses derivationalism, lexicalism, the input, and the
candidate set in OT syntax, comparing Grimshaw's 1997 theory to a more
radically nonderivational theory of GEN based on imperfect
correspondences between parallel structures (a la LFG).

The papers will undergo another round of revision before publication,
and comments are very welcome.

*----------------------------------------        ______     __o       __o
Joan Bresnan	bresnan at stanford.edu           ______     _`\<,_    _`\<,_
*----------------------------------------       ______   (*)/ (*)  (*)/ (*)

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