Little LFG for Windows System

A. B. Bodomo abbodomo at
Tue Mar 3 11:49:15 UTC 1998

Hi Nik,
I think Avery Andrews can tell us exactly what it is. I figure the 'w'
there stands for workbench or something of the sort. In any case, I am just
looking for anything lfg-like to try my hands on. And I have access to just
a macIntosh environment so I wanted to know if there was a MacIntosh
version of whatever it is.

At 15:48 3/3/98, Nik Gisborne wrote:
>Hey Adams, what is the littel lfgw system?  Is it a kind of parser?
>At 08:07 AM 3/3/98 +0900, you wrote:
>>Does anyone know if there is a MacIntosh version of what is being described
>>here by Avery ? I would be very interested in that.
>>Best wishes,

A. B. Bodomo,
Dept of Linguistics,
University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, HONG KONG

Phone: (852) 2857 8285 - w / 2974 0421 - h
Fax: (852) 2546 4943

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