Kersti Borjars kersti.borjars at MAN.AC.UK
Wed Apr 21 14:47:09 UTC 1999

I have just (finally) finished the web pages with more detailed information
about LFG99, including a registration form, but the server which hosts our
web pages is feeling under the weather. It is thought that it wil feel
better tomorrow, so we hope to have the pages up before the weekend.

Apologies for the delay!


Kersti Bo"rjars                Tel: +44-(0)161-275 3042
Department of Linguistics      Fax: +44-(0)161-275 3187
University of Manchester       e-mail: k.borjars at man.ac.uk
Manchester M13 9PL             Visit our web-page:
UK                             http://lings.ln.man.ac.uk/

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