NLG research position at DFKI, Germany

Tilman Becker becker at DFKI.DE
Thu Mar 11 21:36:09 UTC 1999

		 Position in Natural Language Generation (NLG)
			      at DFKI Saarbruecken

The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) in
Saarbruecken, Germany is seeking

			     a research scientist

to join the Intelligent User Interfaces Lab, headed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang
Wahlster.  The successful candidate will work on natural language generation
within the speech-to-speech dialog translation system Verbmobil.
Verbmobil is a joint initiative, in which information technology companies,
universities, and research centers cooperate.  It is funded by the German
Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF).  In
phase 2, the Verbmobil System will translate spontaneously-spoken dialogues
robustly and bidirectionally for German/English and German/Japanese.

Applicants should have a graduate degree (MA, MS, Diplom, PhD) in Computer
Science or Computational Linguistics.  They should have a strong background in
the areas of natural language processing and programming skills in LISP.  We
also expect good communication skills in English or German.

The position offers interesting tasks in the areas of: annotating generated
text for speech-synthesis (content-to-speech), applying constraint-solving
methods in natural language processing, communication protocols in distributed
software systems.

We are located on the Saarbruecken University Campus, please refer to our
webpages ( for more information on DFKI.

The position is funded until September 2000, with a possibility of renewal.

For further information, please contact

Dr. Tilman Becker
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken
email: becker at
phone: +49 681-302-5271
fax: +49 681-302-5341

Please send your application with the usual information ASAP to the above

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