HPSG-2001 call for papers

Frank Van Eynde frank at PRICIE.CCL.KULEUVEN.AC.BE
Fri Nov 24 16:47:15 UTC 2000

                       FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

		  8th International Conference on
		Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
         Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
                         Trondheim, Norway

		          3-5 August 2001

The 8th International Conference on HPSG will take place in Norway
on 3-5 August 2001, hosted by the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. The conference will be immediately
succeeded by a one week summer school on constraint based grammar,
also in Trondheim.

Abstracts are solicited for presentations which address linguistic,
foundational, or computational issues relating to the framework of
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.


  The conference will include a special session on SEMANTICS in HPSG.
  This session will feature a number of invited speakers as well as
  submitted papers.


  We invite E-MAIL submissions of abstracts for presentations,
  to consist of two parts

  1) a separate information page in plain text format, containing
     - author name(s)
     - affiliation(s)
     - e-mail and postal address(es)
     - title of paper
     - specification of whether the abstract is intended for the
       semantics session or for the general session

  2) an extended abstract of not more than 5 (five) pages, including all
     figures and references.  Abstracts may be either in plain ASCII or in
     (unix-compatible encoded) PostScript, PDF, or DVI format.

  Abstracts should be sent to

  hpsg2001 at ccl.kuleuven.ac.be

  All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers,
  so authors are asked to avoid self-references in the abstracts.

  Presentations of accepted abstracts can take max. 30 minutes
  (+ 10 minutes discussion).


  24 February 2001


  24 April 2001


  Frank Van Eynde (Leuven, Chair)

  Anne Abeille (Paris 7)            Doug Arnold (Essex)
  Emily Bender (Berkeley)           Elisabet Engdahl (Gothenburg)
  Erhard Hinrichs (Tuebingen)       Tom Hukari (Victoria)
  Lars Hellan (Trondheim)           Gertjan van Noord (Groningen)
  Carl Pollard (Ohio State)         Adam Przepiorkowski (Warsaw)
  Shuichi Yatabe (Tokyo)            Eun-Jung Yoo (Seoul)


  As for HPSG-2000, there will be a call for 20-page papers after the
  conference; these will be published in electronic format.


  Lars Hellan and Torbjorn Nordgard
  Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  Trondheim, Norway


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