LAGB Spring Meeting

M.Groefsema M.Groefsema at HERTS.AC.UK
Thu Nov 30 14:55:06 UTC 2000

Could you please publish the call for papers below on your list?

Thank you very much,
Marjolein Groefsema
Meetings Secretary, LAGB


	Spring Meeting 2000: University of Leeds

	First Circular and Call for Papers

The Spring Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain will be
held at Devonshire Hall, University of Leeds, from April 5 - 7. The local
organisers are Diane Nelson (email d.c.nelson at and Ghada Khattab
(lnpgk at

The conference venue is Devonshire Hall, a self-contained and cloistered
traditional college complex located in a quiet, leafy part of Headingley
about 3 miles from Leeds city centre and a 20 minute walk from the main
university campus. Close by, the Meanwood Valley Trail offers pleasant
walks as it passes through the forest of Batty's Wood on its way to the
Yorkshire Dales. Headingley is a lively area of Leeds with a large student
population; shops, pubs, cafes and the world-famous cricket ground lie
within a short walking distance. Leeds itself is one of Britain's
fastest-growing and dynamic cities, a thriving commercial and cultural
centre, with excellent shopping and an exuberant nightlife that attracts
visitors from all over Britain. For those drawn to the countryside, the
spectacular Dales and their picturesque ancient villages begin only half an
hour away.

Accommodation: Devonshire Hall, where the talks are held, offers
comfortable single rooms with washbasins and shared shower and toilet
facilities. Please contact the organisers if double or twin rooms are

Travel: Leeds is centrally located on main rail lines from London and
Manchester, and connects with the main East Coast line to York and
Edinburgh. The conference venue is a 45 min walk from the city centre, but
is easily reached by bus or taxi from the city centre and rail station. The
M1 leads to the city from the south. Devonshire Hall itself has extremely
limited parking facilities, but some on-street parking is available nearby;
it is recommended that participants consider using public transportation to
get to Leeds. The nearest airport is Leeds-Bradford, 7 miles away from the
conference venue and most easily reached by taxi.

Events:  The Linguistics Association 2000 Lecture on Thursday evening will
be delivered by Professor Peter Cullicover (Ohio State University).

There will be a Workshop on Construction Grammar, organised by Andrew
Spencer (Essex University).

There will be a Language Tutorial on Vietnamese, by Victoria Rosen (Bergen

There will be a Wine Party on Thursday night, hosted by the Linguistics

Enquiries about the LAGB meeting should be sent to the Meetings Secretary
(address below). Full details of the programme will be included in the
Second Circular, to be sent out in January.


Due to Leeds University needing to know how many rooms will be taken two
months before the conference, bookings for accommodation have to be in by
the 2nd of February.  Because of this a booking form is attached to this

Call for Papers:

Members are invited to offer papers for the Meeting; abstracts are also
accepted from non-members. The LAGB welcomes submissions on any topic in
the field of linguistics; papers are selected on their (perceived) merits,
and not according to their subject matter or assumed theoretical framework.

How and when to submit an abstract

Abstracts must be submitted on paper (not by email or by fax). FIVE
anonymous copies of the abstract, plus ONE with name and affiliation, i.e.
CAMERA-READY, should be submitted, and should be sent in the format
outlined below to the President (address below). You must write your
address for correspondence (email or surface) on the BACK of the
camera-ready copy. (Even if several authors are named on the front, there
should be only one name and address for correspondence.)

Papers for the programme are selected anonymously - only the President
knows the name of the authors. Where possible, authors should supply an
email address to which the committee's decision may be sent.

Abstracts must arrive by January 8.  Abstracts may also be submitted now
for the meeting after the next one, but must be clearly marked as such. (In
general the abstract deadlines for the autumn and spring meetings are soon
after 1st June and 1st January respectively, so an abstract sent to reach
the President by that date will always be in time.)

Format of abstracts

Abstracts must be presented as follows: The complete abstract (i.e. the one
containing your title and your name) must be no longer than ONE A4 page
(21cm x 29.5cm) with margins of at least 2.5cm on all sides. You may use
single spacing but type must be no smaller than 12 point. If the paper is
accepted the abstract will be photocopied and inserted directly into the
collection of abstracts sent out to participants, so the presentation
should be clear and clean.
The following layout should be considered as standard:

(title) Optimality and the Klingon vowel shift (speaker) Clark Kent
(clark at (institution) Department of Astrology, Eastern
Mars University

The normal length for papers delivered at LAGB meetings is 25 minutes (plus
15 minutes discussion). Offers of longer papers (40 minutes) will also be
considered: please explain why your paper requires more time than usual,
and whether you would accept a 25-minute slot if the committee cannot offer
more. If you request 40 minutes, please write this on each of the anonymous
The committee will plan the programme as soon as it has selected the
successful abstracts, so please indicate on the anonymous abstracts if you
cannot present your paper on either the second or third day of the
conference (6th or 7th April). It is very difficult to reschedule papers
after the programme has been planned.

Content of abstracts

The following guidelines may be useful:
+ You should clearly describe the paper's general topic. (The topic may be
a problem of theory or analysis or set of data which have not previously
been analysed.)
+ You should describe your treatment of the topic, and how it relates to
previous work on the same topic. (When referring to previous work, it is
enough to quote "Author (Date)" without giving full bibliographical
details.) It is not acceptable simply to promise a solution'.
+ You should explain how you will justify your treatment, and quote crucial
evidence - you must trust the committee (and other conference attenders)
not to steal your ideas before you have presented them. If you are taking a
stand on a controversial issue, summarise the arguments which lead you to
take up this position.

Conference Bursaries

Up to 10 bursaries are available for unsalaried members of the Association
(e.g. PhD students) with preference given to those who are presenting a
paper. Applications should be sent to the President, and must be received
by the deadline for abstracts. Please state on your application: (a) date
of joining the LAGB (applicants must have been a member at least since the
date of the previous meeting); (b) whether or not you are a student; (c) if
a student, whether you receive a normal grant; (d) if not a student, your
employment situation. STUDENTS WHO ARE SUBMITTING AN ABSTRACT and who wish
to apply for funding should include all the above details WITH THEIR
ABSTRACT. The bursary normally covers a significant proportion of the
conference expenses and of travel within the UK.

Communications with the LAGB

Internet home page: The LAGB internet home page is now active at the
following address:

Future Meetings

4-6 September 2001		University of Reading
Spring 2002 (provisional)	Edge Hill College of Higher Education
Autumn 2002 (provisional)	University of Sussex

The LAGB committee

President	Professor Andrew Spencer
	 	Department of Language and Linguistics, University of
Essex, Wivenhoe Park, 	COLCHESTER CO4 3SQ. spena at

Honorary Secretary	Professor Anna Siewierska
		Department of Linguistics, University of Lancaster,
		LA1 4YT. A.Siewierska at

Membership Secretary	     Dr. David Willis
		Dept. of Linguistics, University Cambridge, Sidgwick
		Cambridge, CB3 9DA. dwew2 at

Meetings Secretary	Dr. Marjolein Groefsema
		Dept. of Linguistics, University of Hertfordshire, Watford
		Campus, ALDENHAM, Herts. WD2 8AT. m.groefsema at

Treasurer	Dr Wiebke Brockhaus
		Dept. of German, University of Manchester, MANCHESTER M13
		Wiebke.Brockhaus at

Assistant Secretary	Dr. Gillian Ramchand
		Linacre College, Oxford University, OXFORD OX1 3JA.

		gillian.ramchand at

Please return this form, with your remittance, to:  Diane Nelson, Dept. of
Linguistics & Phonetics, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS6 4EL, Great Britain.
Cheques should be made payable to "University of Leeds" (they can't be
processed otherwise). Booking forms should be received by:   Friday 2
February 2001.
NAME:	                           INSTITUTION:


I enclose remittance as indicated (select appropriate package):

1. Complete conference package:		£135.00

   Surcharge for non-members,		  £5.00                    ..........

                                           TOTAL:    	           ..........
2.Selected items:
(a) conference fee (OBLIGATORY) to cover cost of
abstracts, tea and coffee, room bookings,
speakers' expenses etc.			    	£35.00         	£35.00
(b) Thursday lunch				 £9.50        	..........
(c) Thursday dinner				£14.00        	..........
(d) B&B Thursday/Friday			  	£26.50       	..........
(e) Friday lunch				 £9.50       	..........
(f) Friday dinner				£14.00       	..........
(g) B&B Friday/Saturday		 	  	£26.50        	..........
(h) Saturday lunch				 £9.50        	..........

						SUB-TOTAL:     	..........

(i) Surcharge for non-members, £5.00                            ..........

						TOTAL:      	..........

4. Abstracts only, for those not attending:
£5.00  UK.........     £6.00  overseas...........




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