LFG2001 -- Final call for poster presentations

Christopher Manning manning at cs.stanford.edu
Sat Mar 10 19:49:41 UTC 2001


                            GRAMMAR CONFERENCE

                          25 June - 27 June 2001

          The Department of Linguistics, University of Hong Kong
          URL: http://www.hku.hk/linguist/research/LFG2001.html

The 6th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference will be held
by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Hong Kong from
Monday June 25 until Wednesday June 27, 2001.  LFG-2001 welcomes work
both within the formal architecture of Lexical-Functional Grammar and
typological, formal, and computational work within the 'spirit of LFG',
as a lexicalist approach to language employing a parallel,
constraint-based framework.  The conference aims to promote interaction
and collaboration among researchers interested in nonderivational
approaches to grammar, where grammar is seen as the interaction of
(perhaps violable) constraints from multiple levels, including category
information, grammatical relations, and semantic information.


While we are past the date for regular paper submissions, we are still
inviting the submission of posters and/or system presentations.  All
presenters will be invited to display posters and to have a chance to
chat in more detail with participants about their work.  In addition we
are accepting papers for poster presentation only.


   Deadline for poster-only submissions:          23 March 2001

   Conference:                                    25 June - 27 June 2001


Poster submissions should be in the form of abstracts only.  Abstracts
should be one A4 page in 10pt or larger type and include a title.  A
second page may be used for data, c-/f- and related structures, and

Abstracts may be submitted by email or by regular mail (or by
both means as a safety measure). Email submission is preferred.

Regular Mail:
- Four copies of the abstract/paper.
- A card or cover sheet with the paper title, name(s) of the
author(s), affiliation, address, phone/fax number, e-mail address, and
whether the author(s) are students.

Include the paper title, name(s) of the author(s), address, phone/fax
number, email address, and whether the author(s) are students in the
body of your email message.  Include or preferably attach your paper as
either a plain ASCII text, PDF, HTML, or postscript file.  Postscript
files require special care to avoid problems: make sure your system is
set to include all fonts (or at least all but the standard 13); if using a
recent version of Word, make sure you click the printer Properties
button and then the Postscript tab, and there choose Optimize for
Portability; on all platforms make sure the system is not asking for a
particular paper size or other device-specific configuration.  It is
your responsibility to send us a file that us and our reviewers can
print.  You can often test this by trying to look at the file in a
screen previewer such as Ghostview.


Send abstract submissions and inquiries about submissions to:

Program Committee Chairs:

        Chris Manning <manning at csli.stanford.edu>
        Rachel Nordlinger <r.nordlinger at linguistics.unimelb.edu.au>

                                 c/- Chris Manning
                                 Linguistics Department
                                 Stanford University
                                 Stanford, CA 94305-2150

Contact the local conference organisers at:

Email:          abbodomo at hkusua.hku.hk

Mail:           Adams Bodomo
                 Department of Linguistics,
                 The University of Hong Kong,
                 Pokfulam Road, HONG KONG

ALL OTHER INFORMATION including accommodation and registration
details will be available on the conference website:


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