ACL-02 Workshop CFP: Automatic Summarization

Priscilla Rasmussen rasmusse at CS.RUTGERS.EDU
Fri Jan 18 22:03:50 UTC 2002

                C a l l  f o r   P a r t i c i p a t i o n


                            (including DUC 2002)


                       Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA
                              July 11-13, 2002


   * Udo Hahn, University of Freiburg (co-chair)
   * Donna Harman, National Inst. of Standards and Technology, (co-chair)
   * Eduard Hovy (U. of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute)
   * Dragomir Radev (University of Michigan)


There has been a long history of research in text summarization by both the
text retrieval and the natural language processing communities, with recent
workshops both at NAACL01 and SIGIR01. Over the last five years, we have
witnessed a tremendous increase in interest in summarization research from
academia and industry, This interest has been recognized by a DARPA program,
Translingual Information Detection, Extraction, and Summarization (TIDES),
specifically calling for major advances in summarization technology, both in
English and from other languages to English (cross-language summarization).

The purpose of this ACL workshop is two-fold. The first day of the workshop
will serve as a focal point for presenting new results in summarization.
This will include presentations of original scientific papers covering all
the various aspects of summarization, and panel discussions on topics
related to summarization. The second day will focus on the ongoing
summarization evaluation effort called DUC (Document Understanding
Conference), which is part of the DARPA TIDES program. The day will start
with an overview of the evaluation including results, and then showcase
papers from various groups who participated in DUC 2002. The concluding
third day will focus on informal discussion of future evaluations and some
hands-on exercises involving some aspect of summarization.

For more information on DUC 2002 see the DUC homepage at:



Two kinds of papers are invited.

  1. Full papers are invited for presentation on the first day, addressing
     (but not limited to):
        o Linguistic representation or statistical modeling in summarization
        o Narrative generation for summarization
        o Trainable summarizers
        o Summarization applications
        o User studies focused on the generation or use of summaries
        o Query-based summarization
        o Multidocument summarization
        o Multilingual summarization
        o Summarization of multimodal input
        o Evaluation and text/training corpora
        o Integration with web and IR access methods
  2. Extended abstracts addressing work done within the DUC evaluation are
     invited for the second day. The scheduling of the 2002 DUC evaluation
     prevents full papers from being done in time for the ACL workshop


Full papers: Submissions for the first day should consist of a full paper
(5000 words or less, including references). These submissions must use the
ACL latex style or Microsoft Word style WAS-submission.doc

Extended abstracts:. Submissions for the second day should consist of
extended abstracts of about 2 pages (1000 words or less) and should describe
research done within the DUC evaluation. Emphasis should be placed on the
interesting or unusual summarizing techniques or experiments that were
performed rather than a general description of the system.

Submission: Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Please submit a
postscript or PDF file that prints on 8.5 x 11 paper to
lori.buckland at Late submissions will not be accepted. Notification
of receipt will be e-mailed to the first author shortly after receipt.

Publication: The papers will be published in two volumes to be distributed
at the workshop. The first volume will contain the finished papers that are
presented on the first day; the second volume will be draft DUC notebook
papers. A revised second volume containing final versions of the DUC papers
will be made available by NIST at a later date.


   * Full papers for day 1: March 15, 2002
   * DUC extended abstracts for day 2: April 12, 2002
   * Notification of acceptance for papers: April 19, 2002
   * Camera ready papers for day 1 (volume 1): May 20, 2002
   * Camera ready notebook papers for day 2: June 23, 2002
   * Workshop date: July 11, 12, and 13, 2002


   * Takahiro Fukusima, Otemon Gakuin University, Japan
   * Jade Goldstein, Carnegie Mellon University
   * Udo Hahn, University of Freiburg (co-chair)
   * Donna Harman, National Inst. of Standards and Technology, (co-chair)
   * Eduard Hovy (U. of Southern California/Information Sciences Inst.)i
   * Wessel Kraaij, University of Twente
   * Kathy McKeown, Columbia University
   * Dragomir Radev, University of Michigan
   * Karen Sparck Jones, University of Cambridge
   * Simone Teufel, University of Cambridge


Direct correspondence and inquiries related to this workshop to Donna Harman
(donna.harman at

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