LFG05: local organizing committee email list

Koenraad de Smedt desmedt at uib.no
Thu Aug 12 07:42:37 UTC 2004

Dear LFGers,

There is now a local email distribution list for the local organization
committee of the 2005 conference, which consists of Helge Dyvik, Victoria Rosén,
Helge Lødrup and Koenraad de Smedt.

To contact the local committee about the conference, please address your message
to lfg05 at uib.no and start your subject line with LFG05.  Your email will then be
forwarded to the four committee members.

Please avoid sending attachments in proprietary, secret or patented formats
including Microsoft doc, ppt, xls and asf.  Use open well-documented formats
instead, for instance plain text, html, xml, csv, pdf and rtf.

The email handling system for the uib.no domain has filters that will reject
messages containing viruses or suspected of being spam.

Koenraad de Smedt

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