Davies, 1988

Paul Kroeger paul_kroeger at gial.edu
Fri May 20 15:04:40 UTC 2005

Does anyone know whether a reply from an LFG viewpoint was ever published
(or even written) to the following article?

Davies, William D.  1988.  The case against functional control.  Lingua,

Bill himself wrote me the following note:

"The only response I ever got on that was discussion with Chris Culy when he
still on the faculty here.  He said that at the time I wrote the paper there
was no answer within LFG but in years since the theory had changed in a way
that would allow an out from this difficulty (I don't remember what he said
was at this point, and I haven't kept up with LFG).  He was going to write
up at one point, but I don't know if he ever did."

The crucial question is why we don't find more languages like Icelandic,
where quirky case is preserved under functional control; why don't we find
the same pattern in Malayalam etc.?  Any references or thoughts on how to
answer this would be most welcome.  Thanks,

Paul Kroeger

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