CfP: Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks

Tracy Holloway King thking at
Wed Mar 21 00:05:47 UTC 2007


			   July 13-15, 2007
		      Stanford, California, USA

This workshop is part of the 2007 LSA Summer Institute.  (But note that 
workshop attendees do not have to register for the Institute.)

Recent years have seen the development of techniques and resources to 
support robust, deep grammatical analysis of natural language in 
real-world domains and applications. The demands of these types of tasks 
have resulted in significant advances in areas such as parser 
efficiency, hybrid statistical/symbolic approaches to disambiguation, 
and the acquisition of large-scale lexicons.  The effective development, 
maintenance and enhancement of grammars is a central issue in such 
efforts, and the size and complexity of realistic grammars forces these 
processes to be tackled in ways that have much in common with software 
engineering.  This workshop aims to bring together grammar engineers 
from different frameworks to compare their research and methodologies.

PANEL DISCUSSION ON EVALUATION: How can we develop evaluation 
methodologies and metrics which can capture the added benefits of deep 
linguistic analysis?

     Mary Dalrymple, Oxford University (moderator)
     Roger Levy, University of California, San Diego
     Stephan Oepen, University of Oslo
     Martha Palmer, University of Colorado, Boulder

The workshop is soliciting submissions for papers on the following

  1. Evaluation: Proposals concerning evaluation methodologies and 
metrics which can capture the added benefits of deep linguistic 
analysis; evaluation techniques which can compare grammars across 

  2. Modularity: Reflections on which aspects of linguistic structure 
can  most easily be separated out from each other, why and how the 
analyses of separate linguistic phenomena are 
interconnected/interdependent, and the role of frameworks on promoting 
or inhibiting modularity

  3. Maintainability: Techniques for improving long-term and 
multideveloper maintainability of grammars; impacts of considerations of 
maintainability on choices of linguistic analysis

  4. Relevance to theoretical and computational linguistics: Reflections 
on how to present grammar engineering work to other research communities.

  5. Regression testing: Evaluation for internal purposes; 
methodologies and techniques for test suite construction, role of test 
suites in  day-to-day progress on grammars

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Emily M. Bender, University of Washington
                       Tracy Holloway King, PARC

   Jason Baldridge
   Srinivas Bangalore
   John Bateman
   Miriam Butt
   Aoife Cahill
   Stephen Clark
   Berthold Crysmann
   Steffi Dipper
   Dan Flickinger
   Ron Kaplan
   Montserrat Marimon
   Owen Rambow
   Jesse Tseng


*Abstracts due*: April 9, 2007
Notification of acceptance: May 4, 2007
Demo session requests due: June 1, 2007
Workshop: 13-15 July, 2007

Submissions are to take the form of 4 (four) page extended abstracts, in 
PDF format, with 12 point font.

Please submit your papers directly to:

Contact for inquiries:

   geaf-organizers at u dot washington dot edu


In addition to the panel and papers, there will be a demo session.  If 
you wish to give a demonstration of a system relevant to the "Grammar 
Engineering Across Frameworks" theme, please submit a title of the demo 
and a one-paragraph description through Easy Chair, by June 1, 2007. 
You do not have to have a paper in the workshop in order to give a demo.


We plan to publish the proceedings (full papers) as an online volume 
through CSLI publications after the workshop.

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