Programme for LFG 2010

Sadler, Louisa G louisa at
Fri Apr 9 13:09:25 UTC 2010

Herewith the programme for LFG 2010 at Carleton University Ottawa

Registration will be opening imminently on the LFG 2010 website, which will also contain new information about accommodation, local information, activities, etc.

Friday June 18 2010

9:30-10:30    invited talk by Ray Jackendoff
10:30-11:00    COFFEE BREAK
11:00-11:45    Brett Baker, Kate Horrack, Rachel Nordlinger and Louisa Sadler. Putting it all together: Agreement, incorporation, coordination and external possession in Wubuy (Australia)
11:45-12:30    Farrell Ackerman and Irina Nikolaeva. Agreement versus Pronominal Incorporation in Eurasian Relative Clauses
12:30-13:00    Lachlan Duncan. Syntactic Structure of K'ichee' Mayan
13:00-16:00    LUNCH WITH POSTERS then tea/coffee
16:00-16:45    Mary Dalrymple and Bozhil Hristov. Agreement patterns and coordination in Lexical Functional Grammar
16:45-17:30    Kakia Chatsiou. Case Attraction in Modern Greek Free Relative Clauses
17:30-18:15    Kateryna Kent and Jean-Philippe Marcotte. Russian Verbal Prefixes and the Projection Architecture

Saturday June 19 2010

9:00-10:00 invited talk by Mary Dalrymple
10:00-10:45    Doug Arnold and Louisa Sadler. Pottsian LFG
10:45-11:15    COFFEE BREAK
11:15-12:00    Sina Zarrieß and Jonas Kuhn. Reversing F-Structure Rewriting for Generation from Meaning Representations
12:00-12:45    Anton Bryl and Josef van Genabith. Two Approaches to Automatic Matching of Atomic Grammatical Features in LFG
12:45-14:00    LUNCH
14:00-14:45    György Rákosi. On snakes, locative binding, and complex predicates
14:45-15:30    Helge Lodrup. Are Norwegian 'type anaphora' really surface anaphora?
15:30-16:00    COFFEE BREAK
16:00-16:45    Anna Gazdik. I-structure, s-structure and multiple questions in French and Hungarian
16:45-17:30    Maia Andréasson. Pronominal object shift in the light of object placement in general
17:30-18:15    George Aaron Broadwell. A movement paradox in Zapotec

Sunday June 20 2010

9:00-10:00 invited talk by Joan Bresnan
10:00-10:30    COFFEE BREAK
10:30-11:15    Annette Hautli, Ozlem Cetinoglu and Josef van Genabith. Closing the Gap Between Stochastic and Hand-crafted LFG Grammars
11:15-12:00    Christian Rohrer, Jonas Kuhn and Sina Zarrieß. Right Node Raising in Parsing and Generation
12:00-12:30    Reut Tsarfaty. Relational-Realizational Parsing
12:30-14:00    LUNCH
14:00-14:45    alex alsina. The Catalan definite article as lexical sharing
14:45-15:30    Tina Bögel, Tracy Holloway King, Ron Kaplan, John Maxwell and Miriam Butt. 2nd Position Clitics and the Prosody-Syntax Interface
15:30-16:00    COFFEE BREAK
16:00-16:45    Elizabeth Coppock and Stephen Wechsler. Less-travelled paths from pronoun to agreement: The case of the Uralic objective conjugations
16:45-17:30    Kersti Borjars and Nigel Vincent. Complements of adjectives: a diachronic approach
17:30- 18:15   ILFGA business meeting

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