CFP: Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish

Aline Villavicencio avillavicencio at INF.UFRGS.BR
Tue Jun 17 02:09:50 UTC 2014

      						Call For Papers
         ToRPorEsp: Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically
             Processing Portuguese and Spanish 
To be held with PROPOR 2014 - International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese 

           October, 5th, 2014
           São Carlos (SP), Brazil

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: July, 15th, 2014 (11:59pm GMT -12)
Much of the research and development of NLP tools has been done for English, leading to best 
state of the art systems for this language, while other languages lack of the coverage of English 
resources. Although there are several interesting initiatives to develop state of the art tools for 
other languages, there may not be enough awareness in the community about them and the same 
work may be repeated in several institutions and projects. This is a limitation for new projects or 
research that would benefit from having such tools available to develop higher level systems. 
Similarly, work done for one language may be beneficial to other closely related languages. Within 
this context, we present the first  Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing 
Portuguese and Spanish in PROPOR 2014  (International Conference on Computational Processing 
of Portuguese,

This workshop aims to be a forum for the presentation and discussion of language-specific developments 
for Portuguese and Spanish, two closely related languages.  We expect to join together researchers and 
developers with a focus on the creation of tools and linguistic resources for these two languages. These 
are two thriving communities that can join efforts to maximize the impact of the developments in the area 
for each of these languages, and promote resource reuse and sharing. This workshop offers a venue for 
researchers and developers to show work in NLP tools and resources, covering a wide spectrum of tasks 
(from PoS taggers and parsers to text simplification or sentiment analysis tools), and linguistic resources 
(WordNet initiatives, grammars, etc). Furthermore, given the proximity of these two languages, this workshop 
aims to promote discussion of crosslinguistic approaches and possible tuning of existing tools for one 
language as basis for developing similar tools for the other.

A special interest of the workshop is to facilitate access to technologies and resources that are specific to 
Portuguese and Spanish. The aim of the workshop is to contribute towards making tools and resources easily 
available to the local community. To that aim, we encourage submissions that are oriented towards 
simplifying the integration of a given tool or resource to address specific needs in these regions. Detailed 
descriptions, motivation of utility with specific scenarios, even tutorial-like approaches are welcome. All 
workshop-related materials will be readily available from the workshop webpage, to promote adoption 
of resources.

The workshop is targeted at anyone interested on developing and using tools and resources for Portuguese 
and Spanish. Presentations and demonstrations are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics:
* NLP tools: PoS taggers, parsers, etc
* NLP applications: text simplification, summarization, sentiment analysis, information retrieval, etc
* Linguistic Resources: WordNet, grammars, etc
* Techniques to Automatically create such resources
* Techniques to Automatically adapt such resources to local variants of the languages.
* Cross-lingual approaches, between Portuguese and Spanish or other languages.


The main goal of this workshop is to offer a venue for sharing tools and resources . Thus we encourage 
submissions of presentations and demonstrations of both consolidated and under-development resources.

Authors are invited to submit their presentations/demonstrations in the form of abstracts that will be published 
online. We accept submissions in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Abstracts should contain authors names, 
affiliations, a set of keywords and should be up to four pages including references. Papers must be submitted 
in PDF, following the Springer LNAI format guidelines.


July, 15th, 2014  -   Abstract submission deadline
September, 1st, 2014  -   Notification of acceptance
October, 5th,  2014  -  Workshop

* Laura Alonso Alemany (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
* Núria Bel (UPF, Spain)
* Maria José Finatto (UFRGS, Brazil)
* Montserrat Marimon (UPF, Spain)
* Lluís Padró (UPC, Spain)
* Muntsa Padró (UFRGS, Brazil)
* Thiago Pardo (ICMC-USP, Brazil)
* Alexandre Rademaker (IBM Research Brazil  and FGv/EMAp,  Brazil)
* Carlos Ramisch (LIF-TALEP, France)
* Aline Villavicencio (UFRGS, Brazil)
* Rodrigo Wilkens (UFRGS, Brazil)


* Laura Alonso Alemany (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
* Muntsa Padró (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
* Alexandre Rademaker (IBM Research Brazil  and FGv/EMAp,  Brazil)
* Aline Villavicencio (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

Contact: torporesp2014 at

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