[LFG] Deadline extension: COLING2016 – 2nd Call for Workshop Proposals

António Branco antonio.branco at di.fc.ul.pt
Wed Apr 20 08:05:12 UTC 2016

COLING2016 – 2nd Call for Workshop Proposals – DEADLINE EXTENSION

5th May 2016:	EXTENDED deadline for proposal submission
16th May 2016:	EXTENDED deadline for notification of acceptance

The 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
December 11th-16th, 2016 - Osaka, Japan.

http://coling2016.anlp.jp/ [1]

The International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL) is 
pleased to
invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the 26th
International Conference on Computational Linguistics. COLING 2016 will take
place at the Osaka International Convention Center (OICC) from 11th - 16th
December 2016.

COLING covers a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural 
and computation. The conference will include full papers (presented as oral
presentations or posters), demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops. 
Oral and
poster presentations of full papers will not be distinguished in the
proceedings of the conference.

There will be pre-conference workshop sessions on 11th - 12th December 2016.
Researchers and practitioners from all areas of the NLP/CL community are
invited to submit Workshop proposals for review.


COLING workshops are aimed at raising discussions in a very interactive way,
thus creating a breeding ground for open questions, novel and emerging ideas
in NLP/CL in a less formal and possibly more focused way than the conference
itself. It is expected that workshops will contain ample time for general
discussion and engagement by all participants - not just those presenting
papers. Workshops that foster collaboration, discussion, group
problem-solving and community-building initiatives are particularly
encouraged. Workshop organizers are free to decide the best format of their


Proposals for workshops should contain:

1. A title and brief (2-page max) description of the workshop topic and
2. The desired workshop length (one day, two days or a half day) and an
estimate of the number of attendees.
3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of the
organisers, with one-paragraph statements of their research interests and
areas of expertise.
4. A list of potential members of the program committee, with an indication
of which members have already signed up. Organizers should do their best to
estimate the number of submissions (especially for recurring workshops) in
order to ensure a sufficient number of reviewers. This practice is likely to
ensure on-time, and more thorough and thoughtful reviews.
5. A description of any shared tasks associated with the workshop.
6. A description of special requirements for technical needs.
7. An indication of whether posters are likely to be included in the 

Workshop submissions should essentially be ready to be turned into a 
Call for
Workshop Papers.


Please submit proposals in plain text in the body of an email to the 
organisers (workshop at coling2016.anlp.jp [2]) no later than
5th May, 2016, 23:59:59 UTC/GMT.

Notification of acceptance of workshop proposals will occur no later 
than May
16th May, 2016.

Organisers of accepted workshops will be responsible for publicising and
running the workshop, including reviewing submissions and producing the
camera-ready workshop proceedings.

It is crucial that organisers commit to all deadlines. In particular, 
to produce the camera-ready proceedings on time will lead to the 
exclusion of
the workshop from the unified author indexes. Workshop organisers cannot
accept for publication papers that will be (or have been) published
elsewhere, although they are free to set their own policies on simultaneous
submission and review. The COLING 2016 organisers will set the workshop 
provide rooms, equipment, technical support, coffee breaks.


• 5th May 2016:		Workshop proposals due
• 16th May 2016:		Notification of workshop acceptances

• 14th October 2016:	Camera-ready deadline for workshop proceedings

• 11th - 12th December 2016:	COLING Workshops


Key-Sun Choi, School of Computing – KAIST
Yusuke Miyao, National Institute of Informatics – Japan
Monica Monachini, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “A Zampolli” – CNR

Read more:

[1] http://coling2016.anlp.jp/
[2] mailto:workshop at coling2016.anlp.jp

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