[LFG] New implementations? Suggestions for revisions of GT book?

Stefan Müller St.Mueller at hu-berlin.de
Thu Feb 22 07:11:36 UTC 2018

Hi everybody,

I am revising my Grammar Theory textbook:


Each chapter starts with a list of computer implementations (which shows
that the theory under consideration is well-formalized and mature enough
to be implementable). Since two years have passed since the publication
of the book there may be new implementations, new systems, new
languages, new canonical references for stuff. It would be great if you
could let me know about them. Bibtex is highly appreciated. Thanks!

If you have any suggestions for improvement of the LFG chapter (or any
other chapter), please, let me know.

You can either send me an email or submit bug reports in github:


Or mark the PDF on paperhive (this is connected to github!).


Thank you!

Best wishes


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