[LFG] LFG Teaching at the LSA Summer Institute 2021?

Miriam Butt miriam.butt at uni-konstanz.de
Mon May 18 08:48:40 UTC 2020


I am (still) planning to spend some time at UMASS, Amherst in 2021 and since the LSA summer institute will be taking place there,  I thought it might be a good idea to try to teach an LFG course at the summer institute. 

The call for courses is here:


The deadline is June 14.  I’d be happy to coordinate the teaching/course proposal, but since experience shows that it is (now) difficult for me to actually carve out a dedicated 2 or 4 weeks for just teaching out of my time, it would be great to be able to co-teach with somebody.

So this email asks:

1) who else was thinking of submitting a course proposal (in this case we should coordinate)?
2) who might be interested in co-teaching something?

Please do write to me if you are interested!



Miriam Butt
Department of Linguistics
University of Konstanz 
Fach 184		       
78457 Konstanz	

Tel: +49 7531 88 5109
Fax: +49 7531 88 4865
+49 7531 88 5115

miriam.butt at uni-konstanz.de

"The detective seemed to remember reading that advertisers
used Scottish accents to suggest integrity and honesty."
Robert Galbraith, "A Career of Evil" (p. 108)


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