Chicago: Mayor Protests English-Only School Test

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at
Sun Feb 17 13:59:04 UTC 2008

Daley Protests English-Only School Test; State Plans To OfferAchievement Tests Only In English

CHICAGO (STNG) ― With two weeks before testing begins, Mayor Daley andChicago Public Schools CEO Arne Duncan are calling on the IllinoisState Board of Education to change the test schedule for studentswhose first language is not English, calling the current plan "unwiseand uninformed education policy."  In October, the state boardinformed school districts that this year, all students would berequired to take the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) andPrairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE) in English, regardless of theircompetency in English, according to a release from the Mayor's Office.
Since state testing began in 1999, most native English speakers havetaken the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) at the elementaryschool level and the Prairie State Achievement Exam (PSAE) at the highschool level. Students who were considered English Language Learnerstook the Illinois Measure of Annual Growth in English (IMAGE), whichwas taken in Spanish, the release said. Although CPS has offered topay for translating the math and science portion of exams for theentire state, state officials so far have rejected appeals fromdistricts that have asked for more time to get exams translated intothe native languages of English Language Learners, the release said.
"This is unwise and uninformed education policy. It is being executedonly because it is required by the No Child Left Behind Act, notbecause it's good for our students," Mayor Daley said in the release."It treats these students unfairly because of their background."ISAT testing is scheduled to begin March 4. However, students whoattend year-round schools will take the exam in April. CPS has askedthat English Language Learners be allowed to take the test then toallow time for the exam to be translated, the release said.
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