[lg policy] language policy: St. James Senior Girls' School

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Sun Apr 25 17:00:56 UTC 2010


St. James is committed to providing learning support for all pupils
accepted into the
School whose first language is not English. The aim is to enable them
to become fully fluent in their use of written and spoken
English. It is also the aim that fluent capacity in the English
language be achieved as
quickly as possible, so that the pupil does not feel alienated from
what takes place both in
class and socially. The School aims particularly to ensure that pupils
progress beyond
‘playground’ to ‘academic’ levels of English fluency so that future
opportunities are not

Learning support takes place both within the classroom and, if
necessary, outside it via a
private EAL tutor.

Entry to the School
Where there is evidence of language difficulty in the English Entrance
Exam this is
recorded in the pupil’s details. This can then be followed up before
entry to the school.
Where a pupil’s English is very weak, parents will be required to
arrange tuition in
English as an Additional Language prior to entry into school.
Provision for pupils in the School
In September, assessment takes place of the following EAL pupils’
language skills in
 those who are new to the School.
 those who have previously been identified as either ‘Support learners’ or
‘Profound EAL’ (see below).
This takes the form of an interview and 3 assessment tasks with the
EAL Coordinator:
1. Schonell Reading Test
2. Grammar Test
3. Writing a letter of introduction
>>From this assessment, and using MidYIS data where available, the EAL
Coordinator can
establish a picture of the pupil’s Reading Age, vocabulary,
grammatical accuracy and
fluency in English. The letter is used as a means of learning more
about the pupil;
languages spoken at home, cultural identity and history of learning English etc.
This information is recorded and Reading Ages and L1 (first language)
are added to the
EAL database.
X:\School Handbook\Section 4 - School Policies\EAL Policy - updated March 10.doc

more at: http://www.stjamesschools.co.uk/seniorgirls/files/eal_policy_-_updated_march_10.pdf
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(H. Schiffman, Moderator)

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