[lg policy] West Hill United Church language policy

Harold Schiffman hfsclpp at GMAIL.COM
Sun Oct 17 22:07:49 UTC 2010

West Hill United Church
Language Policy
West Hill United Church
Congregational Policy 103.1
Policy on Language and Background Study
Table of Contents
Introduction: the challenges of language
Purpose of the Policy
Discussion of terms in the policy statement
1. Texts, traditions, and beliefs
2. Implications for language used in ministry: choices
1. Interpretation of various terms
2. Problematic language avoided
Appendix A.Problematic language in hymns
Appendix B.Problematic biblical stories, illustrations, etc.
Appendix C.Life-enhancing biblical passages
Appendix D.Problematic biblical passages
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West Hill United Church
Language Policy
A. Title
Language used in ministry at West Hill United Church

B. Introduction: the challenge of language

Language, whether written, spoken, or sung, is an essential yet
complex aspect of our lives
together. Meaning, comprehension, and interpretation are affected by
the differences in our
backgrounds, cultures, personalities, vocabulary, experience, and
worldviews. Then there are
the factors of context, emotions, tone, facial expression, the
presence or absence of feedback,
audience composition, and the weather. For the sender to communicate
clearly, the receiver to
understand fully, and for either to know whether or not this has
happened, amounts to an enor-
mous challenge.

As well, language is limited. Some experiences are difcult to
explain; some emotions are best
expressed non-verbally, and some ideas are inadequately captured in
words. There is always the
risk of distortion. Further, language itself sets limits. General
labels such “morning” or “trafc”
enable us to communicate efciently without describing things in
extensive detail. Other labels,
names, and titles, particularly abstract ones such as “normal”,
“marriage”, and “educated” can
be helpful as well, but also by their very nature include some
selected material and exclude other
concepts, experiences, and people – unnecessarily and often painfully.
The resulting dichotomies
- acceptable/unacceptable, included/excluded, etc., often protects
certain power interests and
agendas at the expense of others. Unexamined and unchallenged,
language can intentionally or
unintentionally legitimize oppression.

Language is particularly challenging when it comes to organized
religion and personal spiritual-
ity. Here, the intellect, emotions, behaviour, experience, and
memories are intricately involved
and interrelated. Add to this the additional challenge of change. All
through church history, new
information, perspectives, and understandings have been introduced,
and language had to be
reconsidered, decisions made, and positive and negative emotional
responses addressed.
The Board and congregation of West Hill United Church (WHUC) have
been, and will continue
to be, on a journey of discovery and growth in our understanding of
meaning and purpose in
life. Using critical thought, the ndings of responsible scholarship,
moral intuition, and diverse
perspectives from within and beyond the congregation, we developed
VisionWorks II, a state-
ment outlining the principles we wish to live by. We use the content
of this document to assess
how we are doing in light of the principles we embrace in order to
revise our practices wherever
necessary. The implications for our formal ministry are many, and much
of it has to do with
language. We are committed to that ongoing work.

West Hill United Church
Language Policy
C. Purpose of the Policy/Guideline
To equip all those seeking to communicate on behalf of WHUC with
guidelines for choosing
language that is:
• contemporary and relevant
• accessible to those with or without religious backgrounds
• intellectually and ethically accountable
D.P o l i c y
1. The language we use in all aspects of formal ministry on behalf of
West Hill United Church
• will reect the core values we believe are fundamental to right
relationships with self,
others, and the world, including justice, compassion, respect,
freedom, and community
• will contain no assertion or suggestion
o that any text
• is infallible or inerrant
• has inherent authority
• is of supernatural origin
o that any religious doctrine, tradition, or experience
• represents absolute or universal truth
• ought to be believed, accepted, sought after, or shared by all
• results in guaranteed outcomes if believed or obeyed
• will communicate respect for everyone’s right to hold their own
viewpoints, beliefs, and
interpretations of experience
• will feature ordinary and relevant vocabulary, with metaphor clearly
identiable as such
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West Hill United Church
Language Policy
2. We welcome the sharing of diverse views and personal beliefs in
group discussions and infor-
mal settings, with the expectation that all parties involved will
demonstrate mutual respect and a
desire for learning and growth.
3. We regularly review language used in our formal ministry and make
revisions where neces-
sary for greater clarity, relevance, and integrity.
West Hill Language Policy
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